The Phantom's Circus Part 2

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          Shivers spread and lingered in Christine as she lay awake in her bed. The small ratty blanket might as well have been an old burlap sack, and barley kept her warm. She had woken up in her apartment a few hours ago, curious as to how she got there when she never went there herself. Her first initial thought of last night felt like a dream, but the bruises on her wrists said otherwise. The masked man she saw had shocked her more than anything else 'But it couldn't have been him' she thought to herself. 'He died, that's what the papers said. I just saw someone who looks like him, I was disoriented and probably just imagined the mask.' she told herself a million excuses as she put on another blouse and skirt. But deep down she had a feeling that none of them were true It was a Saturday, a normally busy day for a fair but Christine had been planning on taking the day off anyway for herself. The air was windy, with a slight chill as she walked towards the fair. She had no intentions of working today but had plans for lunch with Annie. While she was certainly a very rebellious person, she was glad to have her as a friend. When Christine first came to Coney island, she didn't know anyone at the small and upcoming fair. Annie was the first to show her the city, and she considered herself a lucky person to have someone who lived in Coney island show her what it was like. Soon enough, she was at the large gates to the show. There was of course, the large iron gate and then several buildings behind it, each one decorated with posters and lights or lanterns of any shape and color you could think of. The dressing rooms were over towards the back, and you could just barley see the ocean from there. Christine always loved the sea, it reminded her of her home with her father. She couldn't help but smile slightly as she recalled memories of her father playing the violin to her. It was a most care free time for her.

            It was cold in the dressing room. A strange and stale presence lingered and it gave Christine shivers. Several vanity's and mirrors lined the wall parallel to each other, each one given to a certain female member of the cast. Christine's was down father on the right side of the wall, right next to Annie's. 'I suppose I'll wait for her here' she thought, seeing as there must have still been a show going on. The dressing rooms were attached backstage, but still had a door leading outside, serving as her entrance. Several boxes, costumes and a few changing screens were strewn about the place, in some effort to seem organized. Once she had sat down at her own vanity, Christine couldn't help but remember last night. Had that really been him? Was he alive?  Even after all these years she still felt so connected to him. As if the days had never passed, and that they were still in the opera house. And Christine still believed in angels..."A child's dream" she whispered softly, putting her head in her hands, as she felt a tear run down her cheek.  

"You are not a child anymore, Christine" 

        Shooting up from her stool, she spun around and faced him. The same man who saved her last night. But also the same man who killed another without another thought. Even knowing this she couldn't help the want inside of her to embrace him, to hold Erik, and never let go. He stood only a few feet in front of her, and she still had to look up to see his face. Well, his half covered face.  It was several moments before she found the courage to speak. "H-How?...How are you here?" they were the only words she could muster. He said nothing, handing her a small envelope "Read it, and everything will make a littler more sense." looking back up at Erik, Christine tried to find something to say, but nothing left her lips. All the fear she knew she should be feeling just felt so insignificant. There was only more silence as they both starred into each others eyes, trying to find answers for questions neither knew they had yet. "I hope you will be there." he lifted his hand and stroked her cheek lightly, as if he was afraid he would break her. Before going to the door leading outside, and glancing at her one last time before he swung it open and left.


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