Harlow only left her dorm when it was time for dinner. She walked down the stairs and into the common room fairly content. In a blink of an eye her good mood was ruined. Lily and Marlene seemed to pop out of nowhere. Ever since the first day back Harlow preferred to sit by herself. Her experience during the welcoming feast wasn't one she wanted to happen again. No matter how persistent the girls were.

"Come on Harley, please?" Lily all but begged. Lily for some reason felt the need to show Harlow that the place they had for her back in first year was still there. She just wanted to be friends again.

"No thanks." Harlow politely brushed them off for the third time and tried to walk around them.

"Please?" Harlow heard as she attempted to leave.

Marlene leapt forward and grabbed her arm. "Harley-" Marlene was cut off by her very own wince. She looked down to her throbbing wrist and saw Harlow's other hand clammed forcefully around it.

"Don't touch me." Harlow spat out aggressively, accidentally tightening her grip on Marlene's wrist. Harlow released her wrists and moved it from her arm.

"Harley you're my ginger sister-" Lily sulked trying to guilt her into joining them. She was running out of methods and ended up using her least favourite one.

"I'm not your fucking ginger sister. We were what? Eleven. Let it go! All I want is fucking peace. Seriously, I thought you were meant to be smart. Yet you still can't wrap your minuscule brain around the fact I want nothing to do with you. So piss off!" Harlow exploded frustratedly, spewing whatever came to her mind, letting out all her frustration and annoyance on the subject. She could tell by the look on Lily's face that she was hurting her, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

The remaining students in the common room fell silenced at the girls out burst. Hogwarts students were known for loving a good gossip, proving to be very true in the moment.

"Oi don't talk to her that way." James Potter called out as he dramatically wakes down the boys from stairs and through the crowd to meet the girl.

"Don't try to tell me what to do!" Harlow snapped back venomously.

"Godric Harley calm down." Sirius muttered back with a shocked tone. He moved his hands up onto the air to show innocence.

An action Harlow took as mockery.

"Stop calling me Harley." She demanded harshly, taking a short pause between each word to emphasis it.

"For your information, Lily is the smartest witch in our year." Marlene huffed and wrapped her arm around a sniffling Lily. Marlene rubbed her arm up and down Lily's in a sense of comfort. "She was trying to be nice because not only is she smart but she's also a good person, clearly unlike you."

"You think I care about your opinion." Harlow defensively responded with a chuckle. Her chest was heaving as her body was filled with tension.

"Don't be a bitch." Marlene dared to fire back, her own eyes connecting to Harlow's. Her arm was still wrapped around Lily protectively but her other hand seemed to be moving to rest on her wand.

Harlow was on a whole new level of rage. Her body was tense and she guessed it would already be at an excruciating temperature to touch. Her being numb to temperature meant the only way she could tell was by how much concentration it was taking her to keep her capabilities under control. To help aid it she was trying to take stable deep breaths, but it was just getting harder by the second.

"Can we please just everyone calm down?" James attempted to diffuse the situation he involved himself in uninvited, which only further peeved Harlow off. He was taught by his parents that having contact with someone could help them relax. He knew Marlene was already doing that to Lily, so he took it upon himself to be there for Harlow.

He reached his hand out slowly to touch her. Harlow's hand reached up and rather than grabbing his wrist like he expected. She held it up to block him, not touching him at all.

"Don't touch me, please?" She spoke with a certain ferocity, however her tone still had a slight panic to it. And that was true. Harlow had slight fear run through her body. She was worried James would burn himself if she touched her.

She mentally put it down to not wanting another death or injury caused due to her. She Cohen to possibly care about him.

Harlow knew she needed to remove herself from the situation. It was the safest and smartest option. To do so, she skipped dinner and returned to her fire-proof room. As soon as the door shut behind her she released some anger through a spitball of fire.

At one o'clock the next morning, on one side of the school running through the woods, Remus had lost control and had become Moony. Moony during his shift was content for one of the first times. He was content with his animagus companions.

On the other side of the school surrounded by dorms filled with sleeping students. Harlow had lost control. She was repeatedly punching her flaming fist into the wall. Her grunting mixed with her ignored whimpers as her mind forced her to relive everything she had done.

They were both out of control, in their own personal hells.

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