Chapter 27

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(Manga spoilers)
Jyugo's pov;
After everything cooled down for a moment, I jumped up onto the rock and sat down. "Hey Hajime".


"That woman... Seems kind of similar to how Musashi and I were during the tournament. Like she's gotten desperate about something. Something she was always scared of deep down, she sees everyone as an enemy. Like she's always struggling to take care of things on her own" I said.

"Honestly what the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

"Hmm... It's hard to put into words, but I kind of feel like I can sort of understand, so I want to try fighting her. Besides, I think there are probably somethings only we can understand. I'm sure normal people wouldn't be able to understand what she's so desperate about right now. That's exactly why I want to know. Since if there's someone here who could understand me even just a little, I should be able to change" I replied.

"I understand your ambiguous motivation, but before that, how about doing something about how your stamina is worse than a bug's? It would be unbelievably lame if you got exhausted and died in the final match" He said.

"Then help me out, or actually just save me" I said.

"Why the hell do I have to take orders from you? Don't screw with me, damnit" He said.

"You're just gonna get caught by that woman again either way. I'm the only one who can oppose her" I said.

"You say that, who was it that almost died a while ago?" He asked.

Before I could even answer him, I see something coming towards us in the corner of my eye. Me and Hajime jumped away from the attack that the woman fired at us. Looking back at the woman, she made some type of a summoning circle thing. I tried to go in for an attack but she puts her hands in front of her and made a shield out of her weird power to block my sword. "Why do you know about Elf? Are you related to them too?! Why do you know that, he's inside of me? Is that something only you know?" I questioned.

"It's because... this is all I have.. I can see into your heart" She said. I got pushed back by the shield then heard her coughing. I ran over to her and asked. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?". Reaching out to her, I see her eyes widen then made a different type of a power circle around herself.

Hajime came over and stood besides me and asked. "The hell have you done now?".

"I didn't do anything" I replied.

I hear the woman coughing again in the background. Looking over to her, blood hits the ground then she puts her hand on the ground and shouted. "Come forth, ran!".

The ground shakes underneath my feet as parts of the ground lifts up and quickly came at us. Hajime gets out of the way while I stayed put and let myself get trapped inside a ball, made out of the ground. Spikes from every direction was pointing at me and moves closer until it suddenly stops. "It stopped? No, someone stopped it? Well, at any rate I didn't die... Isn't that right? Elf". I looked back to him standing there and smiled at him.

"Huh? Oh? You're not surprised? How boring. More importantly, how's the comfort level? How's it feel to narrowly escape death?" He asked.

"That's my line" I say, while cutting the spikes into pieces then changed my arms back to normal. "At any rate, if I die so will you. Put another way, as long as you're here I won't die. How's it feel to narrowly escape death?".

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