A steel grip seized her wrist, holding her just under the bridge that was once there. The air was knocked out of her lungs, eyes darted to look above. Blue orbs that could have been made from stars, stared at the figure above her.

His eyes brighter than her own, they were the colour of diamonds and steel, white hair fell from his shoulders like a mane, a smirk grew upon his lips as he gazed at the white-blond haired woman. She dangled and soon the shock fell into annoyance.

Was he just going to let her hang there? She scowled, her pretty face scrunched up in an attempt to look menacing, "are you going to be helping me up anytime soon?"

His smirk widened, "I had no intention of doing such a thing,"

Her dark eyes narrowed in on his, "maybe you should consider it, I doubt you could stay like this forever,"

"Is that a challenge?"

She bit her tongue to stop her from saying something she might regret, "No. Now if you could- "

"ask nicely and I might take your advice, and consider it," he spoke, amusement danced in his grey orbs. She inwardly huffed, her mouth snapped shut and a deep glare was present on her features. His smirk grew and suddenly he let go of her, she gave a squeal and quickly clung onto his hand to avoid falling. He soon began moving his hand in a lazy attempt to get her off.

"Fine! Fine!" She yelled, desperately trying to hold on, he stopped moving, she glanced up at him, "please will you help me up?"

"what is your name?"

Her eyes turned into slits, "cin Kuu' daatto!"

"interesting name," he mused.

A silence grew between them, each glaring at each other, she huffed once more, her determination finally beginning to cease, "Asteraêa" she murmured.

She raised her own brow in return at his stoic expression. He quickly lifted his arm up and took her other hand with his before lifting her to stand beside him. However, instead of looking directly at him she realised her eyes could would only reach his chest unless she craned her neck up at him. They stood, chest to chest, his arm wrapped around her waist and possibly the only reason she wasn't falling back. "Asteraêa?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowing..

"Simbelmynë?" The King called, her head snapping back to him, still dazed. He slowly walked closer until he was mere inches from her. "Simbelmynë are you alright?" Thranduil whispered, his eyes trailing to the stream below them, hers did the same until they both found one another within the reflection.

They looked so similar. Her vision and the King. But she had had hundreds of visions before, it does nothing mean they told the truth. They had played hundreds of tricks on her before- this was no different.

Her blonde hair swayed as she glanced back at him, "I would like to leave now."

"As you wish," he uttered, eyes falling on the intense shaking of her hands. Looking up from her hands he found her eyes, already staring straight through him, "are you alright?"

Simbelmynë stepped towards him, slowly, holding her head as if she were in pain. "I-" She begun, only for a large BANG sound close in the forrest behind them.

The blonde elleth found herself immediately tucked behind the king's large body. The sword that usually sat by his side was now in display, pointed at the ground as if an extension of himself.

"What was that?"

"Stay behind me," he ordered, her eyes rolling back at his words but nevertheless she stayed, only peaking out to see what was headed their way.

More branches snapped, nearing the two. Closer and closer it came. Was it one of those grotesque spider beasts again?

A spot of grey behind the green of the trees gave away the figures true identity.

"Solmyr?" Her voice echoed, only a moment after did his grey face appear above a shrub, his dark mane throwing itself into the air. He neighed loudly with excitement, happily trudging over the shrub and up to the elleth.

"Solmyr! You found me!" she stepped forward greeting the horse with her hand on his snout. He sneezed lightly, nudging up against her hand, clearly happy to see a friend. Their eyes met and she stared deeply into his large dark eyes, "how did you possibly get through the woods, dear friend?" she asked aloud, waiting for an answer which would never come.

Her hands fell through his tangled mane before she noticed the king examining the large stallion. "He is beautiful," he stated, letting the horse smell his hand before graciously petting the horse.

"Solmyr has been with me for all I can remember, he always finds me," she explained, her head falling to the horses shoulder in relief. Of course he would always find her, but still when he did, what a relief is was.

If only he had done the same... Perhaps it all would have been different. Perhaps Legolas would have been able to have a mother nurture and love him, teach him as he grew to be a strong ellon. Legolas was strong now, but what would he be with a mothers nurture and care? Better. He would have been better.

Thranduil would have been a better ada; he knew that. The millions of conversations they had in the past about how they would raise their son, work together, be with him as much as possible and teach him everything- together. Yet when Asteraêa was gone, it didn't matter anymore, he loved his son of course, but without his wife he just found no point. The King struggled to love his son, kept him at arms length and he feared if Asteraêa were to ever remember; she would detest him.

"I am happy he was there for you," the king hummed, stroking the stallions mane.

"Thank you," her bright eyes fell back to the king, hands falling and grasping Solmyr's reigns. This caught Thranduil's attention, "shall we go back now?" Simbelmynë asked the king.

"As you wish," He simply nodded lightly, striding beside the elleth and her great grey horse.

Thranduil felt at peace.

Thranduil felt at peace

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