Chapter 1: Get Her First.

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I groaned and rolled over in annoyance at the alarm clock on my phone. The loud demon ringing ruining a blissful nights' rest that I finally fell into, why the hell on earth are there alarm clocks? I then held back from answering, knowing there would probably be chaos without them.

I rubbed my straining eyes, was it six a.m. already? I had barely gotten any sleep. I picked up my phone, squinting from the bright light as I did, and pressed dismiss on my obnoxious alarm. I then plopped back down onto my fluff purple pillow and debated whether I should go to work or not.

I already failed to attend two days of work from this damn sickness that won't clear up, but missing another day would put my boss in a position to fire me. She told me, and I quote, "there are plenty of other people who need a job so firing you will do nothing to me. You either get your ass here or stay home. Choose wisely".

Groaning, I rolled my eyes. She's a bitch, I know.

But despite being sick, I rolled out of my comfy bed anyway. I needed the money, how else are the bills going to get paid around here? Not like I'm going to ask my dad for help. Earning my own money made me feel accomplished to know I wasn't always riding someone else's horse.

After I took the longest time to get myself out of bed, I took a quick refreshing shower and threw on a blue blouse with skinny jeans and black flats. I could have worn heels but what the heck was I dressing that good for? Not like I'm meeting the president, I mean I have respect to look good at work but some girls take things too far. Heels will just break your ankles, especially if you travel throughout the building a lot like I did sometimes. And not to mention, it's already bad enough I have to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn.

I sigh deeply, I'm already in a bad mood. I shouldn't be so negative but it was the illness taking over me. Maybe, before I go to work, I should stop by the corner store to get some day-time medication to help me feel better.

When I was done getting dressed and finding some chap-stick for my extra dry lips, I then made myself breakfast before finally heading out my apartment which was on the third floor to my car all the way in the basement.

My head was pounding against my skull like crazy by the time I was sitting behind the wheel. I groaned again at the throbbing pain as I told myself the day would soon be over if I just kept myself busy. And that's when I picked up the phone and called my friend, and work buddy, Tori Mclennen. Ah, Tori always made things better. Even with her crappy jokes and bright personality, her laughter would mean the world to me right now.

I dialed her phone number as I pulled from my parking space and turned the corner onto the busy morning road. The other line kept ringing until she finally picked up, "Hello?" her voice was extremely hoarse and weak. I could literally feel the germs through the phone.

I now sounded like a germaphobe.

"Hey - whoa, you sound like shit."

She chuckled lightly and I heard some rustling from the other side before she spoke again, "Yeah? So do you." she was quiet for a moment, "Why are you up so early?" Tori questioned.

"I have to go to work, I mean, we have to go to work."

"Oh. I'm not going." She quipped tiredly, yawning loudly over the phone.

"Wait, what? Why?" I sounded panicked, and I have to admit I kind of was. I don't know how to make it through the day without her. She was my sidekick, my work buddy.

"Well, where do I start? I can't go because your dumbass got me sick." I could tell she was scowling at me through the phone.

"I didn't get you sick! I told you not to come over last night but you did. It's your fault." I spoke matter-of-fact-ly.

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