This birthday wasn't one of the remembered moments

"I guess i should get going, wouldn't want mom nagging me about being late or something" said Odwin jumping off of his bed and heading towards the mirror, he was wearing a purple and black jumper shirt combo with black pants "I don't know why, but i feel like today isn't gonna end well"

Odwin shrugged that feeling off and took a deep breath before leaving his room and heading to the party before it starts


"Here Odwin, i got you this gift" said a dark skinned, black and white haired girl excitedly as she handed Odwin a wrapped gift box

"...thanks?" said Odwin taking the gift calmly before opening it

The girl stared at Odwin with anticipation as he opened her gift

"Oh...a bracelet" said Odwin in a bored tone as he stared at the bracelet that was decorated with gems before he put it in a box "I'm just gonna...put it here"

The girl was bummed out, seeing that Odwin didn't even bother with her gift, she slowly left with a bye and a few nervous laughs

Odwin ignored the girl's reaction and turned to his twin as the party continued

"This party is really boring, i wanna get out of here" Odwin whispered into Amity's ear, he didn't get a reply, he looked at his twin and saw how depressed she looked "still missing Willow?"


"Don't worry, we can probably sneak out and see her late, mom and dad aren't free enough to watch us all day" said Odwin smiling "so you should just stop thinking about it for now"

"I guess..." said Amity before a look of shock appeared on her face "Willow?"

"Amity,...wait, is Willow here?"

Amity nodded with a horrified look on her face

"*sigh* there's no way around it, let's go get her" said Odwin pulling Amity up


And with that, the twins left to get Willow out of the party silently

They suddenly stopped in front of a room

"You bring her inside, I'll guard the door" said Odwin and Amity nodded in affirmation

Then, Amity quickly went to Willow and took her inside the room as fast as she could

Odwin stood near the door to try and act like there's nothing inside the room, but that quickly failed

His parents and an abomination were approaching the room, he quickly stepped in front of the door in an attempt to stop them

"Move over Odwin" said Odalia angrily "We've already seen Willow, so don't try to hide it"

"But i__"

"Odwin, get away from the door or else we'll taking the books and items you desperately asked us to get you" said Odalia calmly making Odwin freeze "All of it"

He slowly moved out of the way, they already found out about Willow, he couldn't do much to stop them anyway, and he didn't have a lot in this world, other than his twin, magic was his only friend, he couldn't lose that

He just did not want to make things worse

So why did it feel like he was betraying Amity, why did it feel like he was a horrible person for doing this.

Once they entered the room, closing the door behind them. Odwin tried his best to avoid eye contact with Amity

"Odwin!" Yelled Amity angrily as her twin took a step back as he stared at the floor

"We already saw Willow, Amity. your brother didn't do much" said Odalia clearly agitated before turning to Willow "Abomination, escort her out of blight manor"


There was nothing Amity could do as the abomination took Willow away

Odalia's eyes shifted from the abomination to her daughter

"Amity, what was Willow doing here?! She wasn't on the guest list for a reason" said Odalia angrily

"But...she's my friend"

"Nonsense" said Alador, Amity's father calmly "Blight only associate with the strongest of witchlings, you'll be choosing your friend from one of the suitable companions we invited"

"But they're mean! Just because you work with their parents doesn't mean i have to like them!"  Said Amity in frustration

"Good children don't squabble dear. Sever your ties with Willow and if you don't__" said Odalia calmly

"__we will" said Alador

"We'll make sure the girl is never admitted into go and try not to make a scene"


Odwin chased after Amity first thing after they left the room

"Amity! I'm sorry! I-they, i couldn't__ ugh why is this so hard?!"

"It's okay" said Amity sitting down somewhere away from people "did they threaten you too?"

"I don't think books about magic are as valuable as a real friend, now you're stuck with with those 'suitable companions'"

"They would've found out anyway" said Amity crestfallen "This way, things won't get any worse"

The twins then sighed in union

"Sorry for getting angry back there"

"It's fine, I'm not the one who'll be stuck with a sad excuse of a witch" said Odwin frowning

"Heh, when did you start caring about who my friends are?" Asked Amity with a small giggle

"Since the time your friends became a 3 eyed brat and her underlings"

Amity started giggling as she heard that

"I mean, c'mon, suitable companions? Boscha is awful, and the other ones are even worse, they just follow her around like she owns them or something, strongest of witchlings? Please, they're mediocre at best"

"Cut them some slack, not everyone reads through so many books about magic like you" said Amity smiling

The two didn't know that there was someone watching them, a witchling just like them who ran away as crying as soon as they heard Odwin's words





After a pregnant pause, Amity spoke

"*sigh* what am i gonna tell Willow?"

"I don't know sis, i don't know"


Tell me if i should continue this


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