When he saves you during a mission

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-you Kakashi and his students were on a mission
-you were fighting one of the stronger opponents and couldn't keep an eye on your surroundings
-this proved a disadvantage
-as you were clashing swords you hurd Kakashi shout your name
-then you recognized the whizzing sound of an arrow
-you didn't have any time to react and the arrow struck your shoulder
-you fell back jumping away from your attackers one using a sword and one emerging from the woods with a bow and arrow
-gridding your teeth you got ready to defend yourself
-Kakashi swiftly finished off his opponent and turned his focus to you
-he was shocked to see a sword being swung towards your limp body
-Kakashi ran over to you and activated his Chidori
-"Naruto sasuke Sakura! you three take (u) away from here!" Kakashi instructed
-you wanted to disagree but at this point you could bearly stand you'd just be holding Kakashi back
-so you let kakashi's students help you get away from the fight
-by the end of the fight Kakashi was pretty ruffed up both nothing too serious
-he was more worried about your condition than his
-it turned out you were both fine and would recover soon enough
-Kakashi was relived and didn't allow you to take on any S rank missions with out him for a while


-when ever you join gaara on a mission he makes it known that the healer is not to be involved in the fight
-tho one time while keeping a distance healing people from the side lines someone snuck up behind you
-they grabed the back of your shirt pulling you into the air by your hair
-gaara hurd your scream and quickly swirled around to see what was wrong
-he was pissed to see a blade being held to your throat
-"let.her.go" gaara growled the sand covered desert stood completely still in the air it was as if the hole fight had stoped to stair at what was about to go down
-glaring you bit your captors hand making him drop you and Gaara immediately encased him in sand
-you quickly convinced gaara not to kill him insisting the man had to be taken back to the village alive
-it wasn't true but you didn't want gaara to kill him
-gaara was still not satisfied so broke a bone but didn't kill your attacker
-after that gaara stuck close to you during mission taking the role of your protector


-you were in the middle of a fight and Kakashi and Naruto were fighting there own battles
-and sasuke was struggling to reach you almost a mile off shore as your fought on the waters surface
-he found it difficult to keep his balance while gliding over huge waves
-as you fought you could only defend yourself
-there wasn't much chance of you winning so you were hoping sasuke would reach you soon but in the mean time you needed to fight
-swords clashing and water splashing you fought your enemy even tho you were bruised and bloodied
-by the time sasuke reached you you were in ruff shape
-but the same could be said about your opponent and sense sasuke was at full strength he quickly finished your fight for you
-tho when he turned to ask if you were ok you were gone
-sasuke's eye's widened you'd went under
-diving into the water sasuke saw you sinking down towards the bottom of the reef
-he grabbed you and swam to the surface keeping you afloat as he stood on the water once agin
-he brought you to shore and by then you'd woke
-you couldn't remember much but knew you should be thankful for sasuke's assistance


-you were on a mission and got separated from the group
-you were lost and while trying to find your way back to your team ran into an enemy
-the fight lasted quite some time before anyone els showed up
-you were getting tired and wouldn't be able to fight much longer
-luckily tho akamaru showed up followed by Kiba
-Kiba helped you finish your battle and you both collapsed after words lying on the ground to catch your breath
-the rest of the group showed up and you both gave them tired grins before completely passing out

Naruto x Reader Boyfriend ScenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon