When there drunk

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Pretend everyone's old enough to drink no under age drinking!


-Kakashi doesn't get drunk that easily
-he has some specific taste in alcohol
-he enjoys a nice glass of wine but moderates himself
-tho at times when he's depressed he may try to drink his worries away
-in that case he will end up drunk or at least tipsy
-when ever he's been drinking he rambles on about how much he loves you and doesn't deserve you
-he often gets pretty emotional and memories from the past resurface
-you end up having to comfort Kakashi and keep an eye on him until he's sober


-gaara would never purposely get drunk
-he doesn't have a very high tolerance towards alcohol and felt terrible after coming home a bit tipsy
-gaara's brother had given him a drink at a party he was throwing and gaara didn't realize it was alcohol
-he didn't want to be rude so he drank the booze
-afterwords he very much regretted it and couldn't even walk in a strait line
-Temari scolded gaara's brother before taking gaara home so that someone would be able to take care of him until he could take care of him self
-you were rather surprised but found it kinda funny
-gaara kept apologizing over and over you just assured him it was alright and he'd feel better with time
-the next day when gaara felt a bit better he promised never to except an unknown liquid from his brother ever agin


-I can't see sasuke getting drunk
-but if he was I imagine he'd be a bit rash
-not thinking about what he'd say or do
-he'd probably be a bit rude but apologized the next day
-he felt pretty bad and treated you to lunch


-I see Kiba enjoying a few drinks
-especially going out to have a good time with the team
-he can't hold his alcohol especially well but loves to drink anyway
-tho regrets it after words when he can bearly speak with out slurring his words
-he's pretty confused when ever he's intoxicated
-one time he mistook you for you and pat your head
-you gave him an ear full the next day for comparing you to a dog

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