When he find's you crying

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-as long as kakashi's known you he's never seen you cry
-even while visiting your parents graves you'v never shed a tear in front of him
-as far as he know's you'v never cried
-that was until one night Kakashi came home late and found you curled up in a ball on the couch sobbing silently
-Kakashi was shocked and didn't understand what was happening
-you hadn't realized he was there and he didn't want to startle you so he cleared his throat
-your gaze quickly wiped in his direction with wide eye's
-you quickly tried whipping away your tears but they just returned to your eye's
-Kakashi calmly sat down on the couch infront of you holding your hands gently preventing you from whipping any more tears
-you froze in place and the tears stoped flowing for a moment processing what was happening
-"it's ok... you can cry in front of me... I won't judge you for it" Kakashi said softly
-you couldn't help but let the tears flow as you clung to Kakashi sobbing as he stroked your hair letting you cry it out
-he realized after you passed out why you'd been crying
-on the coffee table was a letter from your parents that was supposed to be given to you on the 10th anniversary of there death
-he decided not to snoop and left the letter be he just lied back and made the both of you comfortable


-Gaara understands that your quite an emotional person
-he didn't understand the extent of it tho
-one night you were on the roof top with gaara star gazing when he spoke
-"I'm sorry (u)" he said
-you titled your head to the side in questioning
-"your too good for me (u) I don't understand the purpose of dating someone like me" gaara said
-his gaze was fixated on the sky but you were stairing at him with teary eyes
-you grabbed gaara's caller forcing him to look at you and his eye's widened seeing tears streaming down your cheeks
-"y-you idiot! don't ever say that! I love you that's the only reason anyone should need!" You cried
-gaara sat in shock he didn't think his words would make you cry
-"I-... I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" gaara said as you sniffled trying to calm yourself
-as you were whipping your tears away gaara pulled you into a hug
-"I don't like seeing you cry... I'm sorry for what I said..." Gaara apologized
-"it's not your fault" you said hugging gaara back


-sasuke noticed some older kids huddled up in a circle
-he could only assume there was a fight
-when he got closer he was horrified to notice you were the one in the middle of the circle
-the kids picking on you obviously weren't ninja they didn't harbor a head band
-so you easily could have taken them down with out even lifting a finger but knowing you you probably didn't want to hurt them
-tho they were showing no mercy kicking you as you were lying on the ground curled up in a ball
-sasuke Immediately broke threw the outer circle and glared up at the only slightly taller kid
-"touch another hair on her head and I'll kill you" sasuke hissed activating his Sharingan to scare the kid off
-tho he didn't take a hint instead the kid tried striking sasuke
-he was sent flying and his friends quickly retreated
-once sasuke made sure they were far enough away he turned around to find you still lying on the ground with tears streaming down your face
-sasuke sighed and helped you to your feet
-you weren't hurt badly just a few bruises
-sasuke dusted the dirt off of you as you sniffed trying to stop crying
-"don't let people walk over you like that (u) I won't always be able to stand up for you" sasuke said
-"I-I know I just- *hic*" you looked down at the ground and whipped your tears taking a deep breath
-"thanks sasuke"


-Kiba was surprised when he opened the door to his house to find you crying and panting trying to catch your breath
-"(u-u) what-" "I-i lost my neighbor's dog" you cried
-Kiba nodded quickly in understanding running to grab akamaru
-Kiba returned with akamaru and you held out a small tuff of fur letting akamaru sniff it
-he immediately took of running and you and Kiba followed behind
-it wasn't too much longer later that you located the previously lost dog
-you were extremely grateful to Kiba and thanked him and akamaru a million times over
-Kiba walked back home with you and made sure the dog couldn't crawl underneath the fence agin

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