Fairview 1

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Here is part 1 of Fairview in full.  It's an hour long.  I normalized and compressed so it actually sounds a bit better than the original uploads, which are featured in the Fairview text here on Wattpad.  I do actually have a registered copyright on both the text and the recordings themselves so I felt it was worth re-uploading with little better quality sound.  I can hear so many things I would do differently now but I think that's kinda the fun of it, to see how far I have come.  There will always be a special place in my heart for Fairview.  

This is something I have talked about before, but I do think I would like to return to this world at some point and work with a little troupe to bring the next phase to life.  I did actually compose scripts that followed, kept going with I believe episodes 21-28.  It would be interesting to record those and see what happens.  There's so much going on with The Diamond Series right now so it's probably gonna be a while before I explore this.  But it's definitely a goal I have had for a few years now.  I always planned on there being 30 episodes of Fairview total.  So I'd be exited to complete the final 10 after having grown so much as a performer.  

It'd also be fun to perform the wacky Darkwing story and even Six and Penny.  I'd have to rework 6 and Penny but the Darkwing story is pretty much ready to go.  I enjoy doing these kinds of things.  When working on Fairview, I always felt it didn't matter if other people "get it" or listened because it was kinda just my special project that kept me sane.  That's probably why it has such a zany feel to it, apart from the fact that it's a one woman show.  

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