"There's a rumor that kinda involves you, uhh..Levi?" The person yelled, trying to be respectful by yelling what they had to say in a polite manner, which didn't end up as expected.

Levi gritted his teeth, "What is it this time?" He was clearly tired of the whole 'I need to tell you something' shenanigan.

"Well...The rumor said someone has feelings for-" Levi didn't even let him finish before he walked away from them. He didn't like how people- he especially didn't even know- suddenly came up to him to repeat the same thing every single time they saw him.

The janitor saw Levi and said something, but he didn't catch on to what the Janitor said. A guy who was walking by decided help send the message.

"A what..?" The guy processed, Levi hoped it wasn't what he thought this was about.

"The janitor said that a fellow student has a crush on you, Sir-"

Levi hastily turned and walked away, biting a corner of his lip in frustration.

"If I hear one more, I swear to hell that I'm gonna throw someone out of the window..." His eyes glanced at the windows he present in his view.

"Levi!" Someone yelled, who he knew all too well who it was.

"Oh, it's you Hanji" He sighed in relief.

"Yup, It's me! By the way..I was doing an experiment and heard something from the teachers when they passed by!" Hanji placed their hand to their hip, eyes shining as they relay this piece of information.

Levi felt a crack of relief. He's willing to listen to their experiments now. Drown him in them as long as he doesn't have to deal with the crush thing!

"Whatever it is, best to just say it, Hanji."

Hanji looked at him and spoke, "Ready? So there's this person in our school" Levi nodded. Why did he have a bad feeling about what he was about to hear?

"And..." They inhaled, "Even they knew and heard someone has a crush on you!!" Levi's eyes widened in shock, his brows furrowed.

"Oh for fucks sake!" He cursed, narrowing his eyes. He decided leave immediately. He no longer wishes to speak to Hanji- especially about such matters.

Still, he's had it! Who liked him and spread this news to the point it would reach and disturb him? It really had to be with him almost every minute from the start of the day. He frowned, as he thought about the rumor or whatever it was.

Hanji followed as Levi walked away, "Why are you so upset, Levi?"

"I keep hearing that this student has a crush on me, and it's getting old so quickly."

They squint their eyes.

"But Levi, don't you wanna know who the student is?" Their friend teased.

Levi knew Hanji was going to try convincing him no matter what, after all, they never give up. Levi ended up running to his class as his escape plan, but Hanji followed him. He opened the door to the classroom, only for he and Hanji to find out that they're actually in the same class.

Levi sat down on his seat, Hanji choosing to sit on the seat beside him, as Levi sighed. Hanji looked at their best friend, to which he glared. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, which gave them time to bother Levi.

"Levi! Please, C'monnn!" They begged, putting on puppy eyes. Levi placed a hand on his forehead, shaking his head.

"I just know how long it's gonna take until you stop begging. No."

"Levi, please!" Hanji said, standing up and dropping to the floor, both of their hands put together as if it was glued.

Hanji took a deep breath, "Levi, I beg you to please just give it a try!" Their voice echoed through the room. He stared at them, his palms sweating.

Crush On Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن