Chapter 10

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3rd Persons POV

Phil knew he fucked up.

He didn't have to say anything to know that he royally fucked up.

Tommy never knew about their relationship.

"Well, it's hard to explain." Phil said trying to cover up his mistake but Tommy wasn't having it. "Who Phil!?" Tommy questioned, Phil was trying to come up with an excuse to tell Tommy. One that wouldn't result in either of their beheadings by a stressed out Blood God.

"Well how about you come inside for some tea and then I will tell you." Phil said, attempting to stall him, it was enough to buy him a few minutes and hopefully get Techno to smooth things over. "Sure, but you have to tell me who it is." Phil sighed but nodded, he had to come up with something and let Techno know right away, he was going to need all the help he could get. Because the minute Phil tells Tommy the whole SMP will know because everyone knows one thing and one thing only. Tommy talks.

Phil had already made tea that morning and it was warming by the fire. Old fashion style. Tommy sat down on the couch and watched Phil grab the tea pot off the fire, pouring the green tinted water into cups. "So! Who is the secret female? Do I know them? They must either be really special or really weird to get Technos attention." Phil smiled but it faltered as Tommy listed questions and statements about, well...Dream. "Are they good at PvP? Can I fight them?" "For starters it's a he, not a she. Yes you do know them...and well yeah he's a pretty good fighter but I don't think you would want to fight them." Tommy looked surprised, "wait, Techno landed a guy? That I know? How-"

Distant clattering made its presence known in the living room, Phil was the first to stand up. "Dream?! Dream?!" Their conversation was interrupted by a distressed voice. They both recognized the voice and Tommy moved first with his sword in hand, the mentioning of the green man made him act on impulse. Phil moved quickly after; his parental senses kicked in. Tommy almost kicked down the door to the kitchen when he barged in. "Where the hell is this green bitch?!" Tommy yelled angrily, Phil pushed Tommy aside and went to where Techno was on the floor.

"What's wrong?" Phil said hurriedly, seeing how Techno was holding an unconscious Dream in his arms. "I don't know! I came in here and found him like this." Phil felt Dream's forehead; he may be translucent but you could still touch him. Phil looked for anything wrong with Dream but the bandages got in the way, every time Phil tried to move them more would appear. "Well I can't get a good look. Let's put him on the couch to rest-" Tommy interrupted Phil "Why is he here!"

Now here is the thing, Tommy didn't ask about the bandages, or the fact that Dream was translucent. That ticked Techno off, but right now his main focus was Dream so he picked him up, he wasn't going to even acknowledge the younger blond. As he made his way to the door, there was one obstacle in his way and he wasn't going to spend his time going around it. "Move." Techno stopped a few inches in front of Tommy. "No!" Technos ear twitched, "fine." Techno hooked his foot around Tommy's ankle and pulled it up making him fall backwards into the ground, Techno didn't even look at him as he stepped over his body and went out into the living room.

Tommy let out a pained groan as Phil helped him up. "You should have moved." Phil said, trying to offer some advice. "What is going on?" Tommy said, utterly defeated and confused. "I wish I could tell you but I don't even know."

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