Chapter 9

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3rd Person's POV

"Phil! I'm home! I need to talk to you!"

Techno growled at the voice, he knew all too well who it was. Phil spared a worried glance towards Techno but went towards the visitor. Dream got a fuzzy vision of a conversation, the voice was familiar but he couldn't fully place it.

"You are going to have to tell everyone your mistake at one point, I can't keep covering for you! They think I'm a tyrant, either you tell them or I will."

"Who's going to believe you big man? Let's just keep this between us, our secret. Go through the war on our own sides then we forget about it."

"Do I get my disc's back or am I going to have to take them?"

"You'll never get them back, either you leave them with me or I escalate things more."

"You stole them! From my house!"

"And who's going to believe that???"

"Fine, it's a deal"

"No one can know, not even Techno."

And they shook on it.

As Dream came back to reality, Phil was exiting the room, making sure to close the door, in order to hide Dream. "Hello Tommy, what do you need?" Phil could never be mad at his son, disappointed but never mad. Family is Family. Techno on the other hand could hold a grudge, Phil has been on the receiving end of some of those grudges.They are still brought up today. "Hey Phil, I wanted to ask you about coming to L'manberg where we will be holding a meeting on the next move for the SMP. What do you think?" Phil was about to answer but was interrupted by an angry Blood God.

~With Dream and Techno~

"Dream, do me a favor and stay here, I have to go deal with something." Techno said and walked out the same door as Phil. Dream nodded, still recovering from the newfound memory and looked back at the muffin. He couldn't bring himself to take another bite but was determined to satisfy his hunger. Dream moved from his seat and floated to a chest in the room. Dream saw carrots, eggs, golden apples and potatoes. Dream grabbed a cooked potato and floated back to his seat, he carefully took a bite out of the potato. Dream felt himself zone out at the taste of the potato. A sharp pain hit his head again.

Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

Dream placed a potato close to the lava, waiting for it to heat up making it somewhat edible. Dream leaned his head and took a bite out of the potato staring at the falling lava. Dream turned the potato in his hand absentmindedly as he listened to the sound of the clock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. His head fell back against the wall, small burns began to show on Dreams' frail skin. Dream opened his eyes at the sound of a buzzer, he retreated to the back corner of the cell. "Ready to talk yet?~" Dream held a weak glare on his face.

Dream's vision went black.

~Back with SBI~

Techno walked away from Dream and went to the front room, he walked towards Tommy. "Get out." Techno said, leaving no room for argument when he grabbed Tommy's arm and dragged him out the door. "What the hell man!" Tommy yelled as he was thrown into the fence lining of the stairs. "You are not welcome here. You want to talk to Phil, you do it outside and off my property." Techno was pushed aside as Phil moved to Tommy's aide. He gave a big huff before going to close the door, stopping only when Tommy yelled after him. "What the hell is your problem?!" Tommy was pissed off, he only came to ask Phil a question and check up on him, not get thrown into a fence. "You. You are my problem." Tommy groaned and threw his hands up in the air.

"Can't you just forgive me?"

"You betrayed me Tommy! I stood up for you when no one else did! And you left me for someone who had thrown you away! Yet, I took you in. So no. Tommy. I will not forgive you." Techno yelled, he felt like he was steaming, just like in the Blood God days, it felt horrible. Tommy was scared, he had never seen his brother this angry before, sure there was the occasional blood lust outbreak but nothing this bad. Techno walked back inside and slammed the door, Tommy stayed where he was. Phil emerged from the corner. "Why is he being selfish! What happened?" Tommy ranted Phil looked over at Tommy, his eyes stayed neutral.

"You betrayed him...He lost his fox...The love of his life died, what do you expect from him?"

"What do you mean 'the love of his life died'?" Tommy asked. Phil froze and locked eyes with his son, trying to scramble for words that would make for a good excuse for his slip of tongue. 

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