Chapter 2

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"Happy New Year's Dreamie~ Are you ready to finally give me the book?"

The sadistic voice of glee filled the quiet obsidian room. I couldn't have responded even if I tried. So I didn't. I made no movement to acknowledge the man in front of me. The clicking of boots echoed on the floor, an annoyed click of the tongue was louder than the boots clicking on the floor. A final warning. I didn't know whether to be scared or at peace. I couldn't hear the ticking and tocking but that meant I had to hear everything else.

"Not talking today? Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." I could feel the material of his glove bear into my scalp as he grabbed my hair. My head was hoisted to look towards Quackity, but my eyes had screwed shut from the uncomfortable tension in my scalp. He pulled me up into an uncomfortable position, where I had to balance on my knees but slightly too far from the ground for my knees to fully touch, the distance was made up by increased pressure on my bruised shins. I let out a strangled groan at the rough movement. My right arm quivered and shook as I moved it to grasp for leniency on the hand holding my hair. A choked gasp left in my mouth, saliva build up caused me to go into a coughing fit, as a wave of pain hit my stomach, his steel toed boot dug into my wound from the previous week. I made some attempt at a sound but it was useless, my voice had disappeared.

"Just give me the book and information and I'll stop"

I opened my dull green eyes, giving one final muster of defiance, I shook my head and spit on his face, his eyes lit up with anger as the message was received. 'I will never let you have it so fuck off'

He gripped my hair tighter, my eyes screwed back together. The side of my face lit up with numb pain as I received a punch to my face. He let go of my hair, I felt gravity take me to the floor, iron filled my senses, drowning me as it relieved my dry throat. A burning passion filled my lungs and throat, fighting the self drowning. I began coughing blood. I heard the slice of air as he took his ax. I looked up with dull apologetic eyes as he slammed it on my leg. A loud crack filled the room, I let out a strangled scream mixed with the coughing of blood. A new liquid poured down my face, it wasn't blood or saliva, it was my tears. They betrayed my burning lungs which heaved as I let out broken sobs.

Not that would matter, it would all be numb by the night.

Quackity's sadistic gleam filled the room, he grabbed my hand with very little resistance from me. The burning in my leg was still prominent in my mind. It was splayed across the uneven floor, his foot raised to above my head, the steel bottoms shined against the lave. My eyes closed again in preparation as his boot crushed my hand. At first I felt nothing. I couldn't feel it. For only a second I felt nothing. Then, I heard a dull crack. The pain flared through my body, another strangled scream left my body. I think it was me. I couldn't tell at this point. His steel bottoms stomped on it again and again and again, each time electing a new crack and flair of pain until I couldn't feel my hand. He delivered one swift kick to my gut, rolling me over slightly, using the tip off his ax he sliced down on my broken leg. A fiery pain filled my body, he used his boot to press on my new wound. He picked up my healthier hand and extended my arm, he smiled as he watched my face while breaking two of my fingers.

"I won't be back for a few months or so...I'm leaving you a parting gift" I let out choked sobs as I felt the knife drag across my skin, the blood flowed down my arm like a waterfall. "Well, I'll be off now, remember give me the book and all this stops." His voice was cold as he wrapped my arm with bandages, keeping the cuts from killing me. I didn't lift my head, I couldn't...all I felt was pain. "SAM!" I flinched at the yelling, watching the lava fall. He stepped on the platform and left the cell, as soon as he was over the lava fell again and I was alone. The pain in my hands, arm and leg stopped me from moving around to situate myself better. The blood began pooling in my mouth again, I couldn't swallow or cough it out. So I let it drown me, one could only hope it would work. But I didn't want to die, not here at least.

'I can't breath...Help...I can't breath'







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