They finally walked to the section where Hoseok's work and he could finally breathe cause the elevator felt suffocating.

He did as he should, Hoseok introduced him around, walked him to his new desk and offered him coffee, and told him if he needs anything he can call for him.

Hoseok went back to his work and so does everyone, everything seemed going smooth.

After work, They had a kinda welcoming party for the new supervisor with the boss and everyone from the section, Hoseok was dragged into it, he would rather go home and sleep.

They were at near a restaurant pouring drinks for the elders and drinking and eating, Hoseok isn't good at drinking so he avoided the glasses offered to him, Taehyung went to the restroom for few minutes and when he got back he noticed the place on Hoseok's left side was empty so he sat beside him, and start pouring for Hoseok and handed it to him:" here, Hyung" those words made Hoseok heart skip so fast, eyes widened at the man who just called him "Hyung" with the softest tone ... How could he reject it? he took it and drink it all at once.

Taehyung grinned and stare at Hoseok with his hand on his cheek, everyone noticed and one of them said:" looks like our new supervisor has already picked a favorite." Taehyung chuckled and tilted his head:" did I? " while keeping his eyes on Hoseok, Another one said:" I mean no one can blame you he is literally the sunshine of our section." Hoseok could feel the heat rising to his face and ears was it the other's comments or was it the drink or was it because of the fucking man beside him....

Hoseok laughed denying any compliment:" y'all are overrating, I'm not like that haha." He took a sip from another cup poured by the younger beside him...and start babbling like a drank.

Later on, Taehyung leaned closer:" you really got drunk from two cups, let me take you home."

Hoseok glared at him:" I can take myself home, thank you." He didn't feel comfortable with the younger one close to him, so excused himself to go home.

He walked to the station swaying left and right,  throat dry, all because of those hungry stares of Taehyung.

Speaking of the devil, he grabbed Hoseok from his arm and turned him around, huffing seems like he was running after him:" it's dangerous, let me take you home... Please Hyung." Hoseok appears to lose it whenever this man calls him that... He glared at him again:" I think, I'm okay if you aren't around me." He spat out.. Taehyung let his arm, and stepped back:" do I make you uncomfortable?" He mumbled.

Hoseok realized that was meant to be said in his head so he corrected:" ahhh!! I must be really drunk, I didn't mean it that way!! If I'm not a burden then I would like if you help this hyung of yours *Hic* to go home."

Taehyung smiled again:" with pleasure." They went back few strides and hoped on Taehyung's car, very nice and smells expensive, Hoseok puffing, chest surging up and down, Taehyung:" oh let me turn Ac must be hot." And start driving to the main road.

Hoseok told him his address so he went in their direction right away, they made it in less than 30min, Taehyung looked up to the building:" which floor?"

Hoseok:" I can take care of myself from here, no need!! You go home I'm sorry for the trouble." As he opening the door he stared behind at Taehyung who didn't insist and just stared at him... Before closing the door he said again:" thank you for the ride, see you tomorrow." Taehyung gave him once again that cold glance like the one on the elevator, Hoseok wanted to lose his shit does this man has two faces one minute is soft and the next minute is cold eagle... That is what he captured in his mind.

He closed the car's door start walking toward the building entrance with trembling steps, he was feeling cold and hot at the time he barely made it to the entrance and collapsed on his knees, hearing the car's door slamming behind him he started wondering:" why didn't he already drove after I left?? What is he doing?? Staring at me again??is he a creep? And why do I hear steps coming towards me?" Taehyung reached for him and lifted him so easily as if Hoseok weight nothing... That Hurts his pride, but he couldn't walk anymore so he just gave up... The younger man finally spoke:" which floor?" Which sent a shiver to Hoseok's spine he whispered:" f-four."

Taehyung clicked on the elevator with his hand and still held Hoseok tightly so he won't fall, The older mumbled:" do you workout? Cause I know  I'm heavy."  Hoseok's head spinning feeling like he gonna pass out any second, he looked up to Taehyung who was looking at him, face so close:" you forget me that easily Hyung, I'm kinda disappointed... But I don't blame you." Taehyung said, Hoseok narrowed his eyebrows:" huh...? D-do I know you?"

[To be continued]

Omg Hiii!!! it has been so long since I wrote, I'm sorry my English is still not that great but I really hope you will like this new story!!

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