Goggly Eyes Drawing Challenge

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"Hey guys. It's Erika Crystal here and today I have a very special guest with me today. It's my friend Weisz Steiner of the future Professor Weisz Steiner." I greeted and did an intro to my B-Cube.

"Hello. I'm happy to be here today." Weisz waved.

"Today Weisz and I will be doing a challenge video. I saw this video that Rosanna did with her friend Jordan aka Captain Sparklez. Rosanna found a game she found at the store and it's a pictionary game called Googly Eyes." I explained about what we're doing.

"Googly Eyes?" Weisz looked confused.

I grabbed the box from the floor and put it on the table. "This one."

"Oh that is some wacky looking glasses." Weisz comments as he looks at the box.

"Yeah. You're supposed to put the glasses on while you're drawing and it comes with three different lenses based on the difficulty level." I explained further.

"Oh so it's a pictionary game on a intense level with wacky kind of vision." Weisz said who now understands.

"Yup. Technically you're supposed to play this game with four people into two teams but I thought we could play together as a team and we'll help each other move through the board." I added.

"I don't mind being on the same team as you." Weisz said with a smile.

"Awesome! Yay! Let's open this box up." I smiled before me and Weisz opened the box to get everything out.

Once we got the board set up with a pencil, notepad, glasses, lenses, timer, and board, we're ready to go.

Weisz picks up the glasses in curiosity and puts them on. "I wanted to try these on and see what it looks like to wear them."

I started laughing at how silly he looks. "You look great. Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?" I hold four fingers up.

"Uh 8." Weisz responded as I laugh.

"Ok so the easy lenses are the green ones. Medium is orange and hard is these clear light blue ones. And for the cards, depending on what lenses you're wearing, it will have a time limit when you draw. So easy is 15 seconds, medium is 30, and hard is 45." I explained some rules to Weisz just so he knows what to do.

"Ok. That sounds easy enough for a wacky pictionary game." Weisz nodded.

Weisz and I played rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first. Weisz won so he grabs the glasses and puts them on.

"Ok I'm first so I get to draw. I'll put the glasses on and try to read what object I'm doing at the same time. You know as a challenge for myself." Weisz said as he picks up the card.

"Good luck reading buddy." I giggled.

I grabbed the timer and set it to 15 seconds since we're in easy mode at the start of the game. "Ok, I'm gonna set up the timer, you ready?"

"I'm ready to go." Weisz nodded holding his pencil.

"Okay, go!" I put the timer down which made so much noise.

I look at what Weisz is drawing. "It's a box. A house? Um..."

"Aw shit! I went too far on that. Oh crap, am I not supposed to talk?" Weisz cursed.

"Yeah you can't talk and give hints. It's a window. Ooooh wait, that's a laptop!" I guessed it right when I see that Weisz drew a laptop.

"There you go." Weisz gives me a high five.

"Yay!" I cheered.

Weisz hands me the dice to roll them. It lands on a three as I move the gameboard pieces.

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