🦋An Old Friend Whose Wind Howls on the Highway🦋

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Previously on Edens Zero...

"It is reverting back to its previous form. Just black wings that fly through the universe. Ether Drive Eternal Navigation Ship. The spacecraft, Edens Zero." Witch stated as she told us the name of this ship.

"The Edens Zero?" Shiki repeats.

"That's amazing..." Weisz and I said in awe as we stared at the hologram of the Edens Zero ship.

"Is it just me or does it look more like a ship suited for bad guys?" Rebecca sweatdrops awkwardly.

"From a scary pirate's ship to the Demon King's ship." Happy said.

"So cool! The ship has a cool design!" Diancie beams

"Chewpachi/Nene!" Pachirisu and Dedenne cooes and jumps up and down on my shoulders.

"I have long been waiting for this day, Demon King." Witch said to Shiki with a relieved smile.

"Sorry but my grandpa is actually..." Shiki starts but pauses when Witch kneels down.

"You are the new Demon King, Shiki. At last the king has finally returned to Edens Zero" I gasped when I saw Witch crying.

"The Edens Zero has now claimed its true form. However it has yet to return to its true power." Witch stated on the condition of the ship.

"What do you mean by that?" Shiki questions.

"You wish to see Mother, right? And leave the Sakura Cosmos?" Witch says.

"How did you know about that?" Diancie ask in shock.

"I hear all conversations aboard the Edens Zero." Witch explains which is kinda creepy that she can hear our conversations.

"Scary..." Rebecca mumbles, creeped out.

"It's part of my power. I have complete control over the Edens Zero. Think of me as being part of the ship itself. However this ship's true potential can only be restored when all four of the Demon King's Four Shining Stars have gathered here." Witch holds her hand up as a hologram appeared. "Without it, it would be impossible to break through Dragonfall. The barrier between the Sakura Cosmos and the outside universe."

"What is Dragonfall?" Weisz said who never heard of it.

"Is it a waterfall of dragons?" Pino asks.

"No, it's an area in space where many dragons gather in one place." I answered.

"She's right. I've heard that those dragons can devour a small ship in just the blink of an eye." Rebecca continued.

"You're saying there's a bunch of them there? I wanna see them! I bet they're amazing!" Shiki beams in excitement.

I sweatdrop at Shiki's excitement for many dangerous things.

"But it's super dangerous to try and get close to them. One dragon is capable of destroying a fleet of large ships." Diancie exclaimed.

"And there's too many dragons there to even count them all." Happy added.

"But first we have to gather the Four Shining Stars if you want to break through Dragonfall that is." Witch said.

"Alright, let's do it!" Shiki grins.

"This sounds like a real adventure!" Rebecca says excitedly.

"Yeah!" Happy smiled.

"I can't wait to meet the rest of Shining Stars! I bet they're great people!" I jumped up and down in excitement along with Pachirisu and Dedenne.

"Me too!" Diancie smiled.

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