🦋A Man Named Weisz🦋

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"Now do you wanna tell me why you're trespassing inside my home?" Weisz asked us.

"L-Like Erika said... We came to see Professor Weisz." Rebecca stuttered.

"Huh, I see it now... You work for Sibir." Weisz questioned.

"Who's Sibir?" I looked at him confused.

"If you leave right now, I'll agree to spare your lives." Weisz said, still pointing his gun at us.

"Rebecca... Erika..." Happy whimpers.

I heard some faint noises from the upper floor and sense that there's a person up there. I wasn't the only one because Shiki noticed it too.

"Get out of here." Weisz yells out impatiently.

"Hang on just a sec." Shiki puts the goggles on from where he found them.

"Excuse me?" Weisz said.

"There's somebody on the second floor." Shiki said looping up.

"Yeah. I sense it too. It looks like someone is following this guy." I added as I stand next to Shiki to look up at the ceiling.

"Hey, wait! Those are my goggles!" Weisz shouts out suspiciously.

Weisz finally notice the situation and looks at the ceiling. "Shit!"

Bullets shot down from the ceiling in a rapid fire. We all took cover from this.

I see Shiki used his Ether Gear to stand on the ceiling. "There you are!"

"Magimech Attack Gravity Fist!" Shiki punches the ceiling to reveal the falling intruder.

"Scarlet Setsuna Storm!!!" I moved my hands to create a hex storm and aimed it at the intruder who was sent flying.

"Nene!" Dedenne used volt switch on the guy as Pachirisu took her place and used discharged.

"Diamond storm!" Diancie sent a whole bunch of diamonds to attack the guy which made a direct hit.

"Good job you three!" I gave them a thumbs up.

"Nice one!!!" Happy praised us.

I heard the sounds of an engine from a motorcycle.

"Huh?" Rebecca turns around and saw Weisz took off on his motorcycle to get away.

"What's going on?" Rebecca asks.

"That I'm not sure." Diancie replied clueless.

"Did he just up and ran away?" Shiki floats down while holding the intruder upside down with his gravity.

"Yeah. He took off on his motorcycle. There's something strange going on here." I said while trying to think on what's changed on this planet.

"Are you guys with Weisz? Well the next time you see him, deliver this message. Sibir the Mighty despises traitors with a passion." The guy told us.

That name again? I wonder who this Sibir guy is and why he's connected to Weisz and all the strange things that's happening here.

After that incident we went to go get something to eat. We got to this restaurant that's in this huge boat in the river. Shiki is like an excited kid and used his gravity to lie down on the window.

"Woaahhh! There are rivers here too, even underground?!" Shiki says in awe.

"Shiki, please sit down." Happy pleads as we stared at Shiki at the window.

"It's interesting that he can lie on the window using gravity." Diancie says, eating her pecha berry.

"First we get attacked and still no sign of the Professor. What the heck is going on?" Rebecca sighs before she takes a bite of her food.

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