Chapter 25

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Sunny and Negan deal with the aftermath of the war.

Warnings- Angst. So much.


I would be sorry for all the feels but I'm not. I promise it's going to be okay. And to make matters better, I already have the last chapter done and will post it next Saturday. Thanks to everyone who has stuck through this and read along.

Sunny stared at the boxes before her. Taking the red marker in her hand, she crossed off another day on the calendar. Today would mark two months since she had returned home. Two months since she had seen Negan.

At first, she and Sherry tried their best to soldier on. To keep their hopes high, focusing on their chores during the day and watching movies at night. But with each day without any news that passed, the slumber party mood in the house soured, overshadowed with doubts and fears.

Sunny climbed the stairs and walked out onto the porch where she often found Sherry. She had run out of cigarettes a few days ago but still sat outside every time she felt anxious or stressed. Sitting in a rocking chair they had dragged out of the house, Sherry stared at the dirt driveway that led to the road. Her back and forth motions were steady, creaking wood keeping time in their little world where time meant nothing.

Sherry's gaze turned to Sunny. A weak smile turned the corners of her lips but didn't reach her eyes. "Is it dinner time already?" she asked.

"No, not yet." Sunny didn't know how to address the elephant in the room. She decided directness was her best bet. "It's been two months."

The rocking stopped. Sherry nodded, her eyes back on the road. "I know." She pulled her legs up on the chair, hugging her knees to her chest, her bare feet curling over the edge of the wooden seat.

"Do you think it's over yet? Do you think we won?" Sunny asked. She wasn't sure if she wanted the answers.

"Honey, if it's over and we won, you know he would have been here in a heartbeat. Something went wrong. How wrong I don't know. But I know Negan, and he wouldn't just let you sit here waiting for nothing."

Tears threatened to build, but Sunny swallowed them down. They had never voiced these thoughts out loud before, but they had both been thinking it for a few weeks now. She knew Sherry was right. If things had gone their way, she would be back at The Sanctuary right next to Negan. Instead, she was here.

"What should we do? Should we go see what happened?" Sunny leaned against a post, her hands rubbing her belly. It was still weird that it sometimes pushed back. The baby was so active, rolling and kicking. It was bizarre to look down and see her entire stomach shift with the movements within. Negan was missing it. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to think of anything else.

"We won't be doing anything," Sherry said, providing a much-needed distraction.

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