Justice Society of America

Start from the beginning

"He's right."Barry agreed with Jay Senior as he looked over to Junior Garrick. "Get to know your grandfather while we're here, I am going to go find out what part of the play we are supposed to do."

"Wait, you're still gonna teach me the lightning toss are ya?" Jay Senior asked as Barry stood up.

"Of course. Who knows, it may come in handy one day." Barry winked before speeding out the room leaving Jay Senior and Jay Junior to talk with each other.

Barry grinded to a halt when he found Diane talking to other members of the JSA. "I am here to help, so what's the plan?"

"There has been a speedster spotted nearby, well the lightning of one." Diane explained.

"What colour? Speedsters tend to differentiate themselves... It's a fashion choice." Barry shrugged his shoulders.

"We didn't get to hear anything else over the radio before he got killed." Carter said as he sighed in frustration of not being able to do anything.

"Well it could be Reverse Flash but it could also be Jay Garrick's enemy speedster." Barry explained as he was trying to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Zoom?" Diane asked before looking around the room. "Where is Jay anyway?"

"Oh he is having some one-on-one time with his grandson, they're catching up in the meantime. I can take Jay's place for the time being. I am faster than him. Which I've proven." Barry said as he left his owl down on his shoulders, leaving his face visible to the group.

"If Reverse Flash and Zoom team up then that could be a problem for the JSA. Not only that, there is supposed to be another speedster. Kid Flash - I lost track of him but he might not even be in this timezone."

"You want us to search for him." Carter looked over to Diane who was deciding what to do.

"No, like he said. He may or may not be here, Kid Flash is on his own." Diane explained as Barry didn't put up a fight as he nodded.

"He can handle himself but I just hope he isn't in over his head."

"Well if you're taking Jay's place then you're taking his place in the next mission." Diane said as she gestured to Barry.

Barry gave a quick nod before asking what mission. "What's the plan? You want me to evacuate innocent people? Canvas an area for you?" Barry kneeled on the table as he glanced at the map with various objects placed on top of it.

"Well we need to clear the area of enemies to allow Allied Forces to beach." Steve explained to Barry.

"Wait, Normandy Beach?" Barry asked as he realised what was going to happen.

"Guess this is in the history books in the future?" Steve asked curiously.

"You kidding me, this is the turning point in the war." Barry said as he caught himself before he could give anything else away.

"Well guess if you say it, then it must be true." Carter said happy to know that the war was at an end.

"I said it was a turning point. Not the end." Barry said as he gave the group a metaphorical kick up the backside to not get complacent and relaxed.

"We're not going to be on Normandy Beach." Diane explained with a sigh. "We are going to be elsewhere, we're the decoy team. We are going to deal with the Injustice Society. They've been spotted working with the enemy."

Before Barry could ask about the Injustice Society, a loud alarm rang through the entire camp as Barry and the Justice Society ran out of the tent to see planes flying above them, bombing the area around them.

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