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"Do you think Prince Ryan realized his curse was beginning to break when he heard you speak to Prince Kyle?" Anne asked Azura who sat next to the king and queen. The nurse was scanning her for any trace of the curse but found none.

"It seems like the princess broke the spell without my help, your majesty." She let her hands fall to her side, bowed, and left the conversation.

The king and queen nodded before she retreated.

"Yes," Azura answered Princess Anne, "Prince Kyle was the first prince I have spoken to and he was not affected by my enchantment like prince Ryan was."

"I wonder what he was doing when he was out of people's sight. Do you think he was scheming something to overthrow the throne or kill Azura?" Scarlet interjected, accusing him of mischief.

"He was reading about the fortune teller Baba the one time I saw him in the library, but didn't think twice about it." Anne frowned as she remembered the day he climbed her tower.

"Prince Kyle?" Scarlet addressed the prince who stood behind Princess Azura with one hand on her shoulder.

"Would you climb Princess Azura's tower if she asked you to?"

Prince Kyle frowned, not sure if she was serious. "If she's in danger or in need of help, but no..." He replied unsure if that was the answer Princess Scarlet was fishing for.

The three princesses burst out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" King Judea asked as Queen Daria gave him and Princess Azura a sideways glance.

"A year ago I asked a guard to climb my tower." Azura said, hiding her face behind her manicured hand. "Father you took him away from me after I told you he was under my enchantment."

"Oh, Sebastian." The king remembered, stroking his mane of a beard.

"Yes, we also asked Prince Ryan to climb Azura's tower when he was under her enchantment, to see how far he would go." Anne confessed ashamed, realizing his behavior might partially be their fault too.

"So now that I am truly in love with Princess Azura, you're asking if I will do it too?" Prince Kyle asked, stunned.

"I asked you as a joke, but I'm glad you refused because now we can say you're not under any enchantment that's making you do things without reason." Scarlet winked at the prince and smiled.

"When I was still in training in my own country, the stories of a blue-eyed princess spread like wildfire within the town and small cities. I knew of only one princess who was cursed by Baba," He exhales a little chuckle. "It made me wonder if I might be enchanted, but I knew I was only missing you and might have been in love."

"That might be why you were not affected when she first spoke to you." Queen Daria concluded.

"Like always it took the dense Princess Azura a while to realize she fell in love as well." Anne joked.

"Well, now that that's settled, can we go back to the ball?" Princess Scarlet suggested a little bored.

"I allow it." King Judea said as he rose from his big chair. "My daughters deserve to have fun at their birthday ball and dance with as many princes as they pleased." He gave a proud throaty laugh.

The rest of the royals rose after him and exited the room.

The ball went on for hours into the night. The music swayed every man and woman into an endless rhythm. Princess Azura had danced with at least half of all the princes who attended the ball. Anne, on the other hand, made sure she danced with every single one of the princes; afraid she might miss out on the perfect prince. Her energy never ran out.

Princess Scarlet happily danced with as many Princes that would ask her, but she would often disappear for half an hour or so. Probably so she could rest without her having to refuse a dance with a prince.

The night ended with the yellow rays of the rising sun. Prince Kyle held Princess Azura from behind with his chin in her head.

"I've missed you so much Princess Azura" He huskily whispered close to her ear.

She smiled "I've missed you too." She turned to look into his brown eyes.

He leaned in slowly, holding her hair and neck with one hand and the other pulling her in from the waist. She rose onto her toes and kissed him.

                                                                           The end.

*** Author's Note****

Thank you for reading till the end. This has been the very first book I ever finished. I've written a few but let's face it, not every story has an ending, at least not immediately. 

Book 2 is in the making, still. It might take me another year to finish, but I'm young so I've still got time. lol

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