Chapter 3

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"Has it really been five years already?" Cecil heard the princesses' conversation getting closer.

"Indeed it has been that long ago." Cecil stood to welcome them with a bow.

"Your highnesses, each of your horses are in their designated stables, ready..." Cecil wanted to add more but thought best of it when she saw Anne's grouchy expression.

Guess someone woke up hungry. A small knowing smile played on her face.

"I have prepared a platter of fruits if you want to eat something before you set off on your journey." She gestured toward the platter.

At the mention of food, Anne's tummy rumbled and her face immediately lit up. "Thank you, Cecil!" Cecil smiled.

Anne wasted no time and dug in.

"Do you need help with anything your highnesses?" She asked making sure her duties were fully fulfilled.

"No, thank you, Cecil. We managed to help each other with the mishaps." Scarlet replied looking around.

"Alright then." She turned to leave and remembered something André had said. "Oh, one more thing, it looks like we might be getting some rain later this evening." Cecil bowed and walked away, leaving the princesses in the hands of André. He smiled a big brilliant smile, turning his innocent brown eyes to look at the three princesses.

"Good afternoon André, will you be accompanying us today?" Scarlet sweetly asked when her eyes found his after she nodded at Cecil.

André was Scarlet's favorite stable boy; she was always hoping he would guide them on their horse riding journeys.

"Indeed I will, my lady." André bowed, giving a little more of a show than necessary.

This made Scarlet light up and smile. Anne just rolled her eyes and continued to stuff her face, behind her hand of course. She was still a lady. Scarlet ate some fruits too.

"All done." Anne announced after about ten minutes.

"Good, let us get on with it then." Scarlet said, not wanting to waste another minute standing around.

It did not take long for the princesses to hop onto their saddles and steer their horses through the small castle gates. The princesses all knew the rules and paths through the woods. It was convenient to ride through the woods because it was right next to the castle walls.

"Alright princesses, today you may choose between the River path and the Blaukissen path." André announced from the front. Azura and Scarlet rode on either side of Anne. They all knew the Blaukissen path had a lot of rocks and stones which can get a little bumpy, so without discussion, Anne and Scarlet replied; "River path." At the same time. If Azura could speak she would have been in perfect sync with their reply.

She smiled in approval.

The wood's fresh air hit Anne flat in the face. It felt like the cold air at night after one has taken a steaming hot bath. In unison the three princesses took a deep breath, exhaling in delight.

Oxygen is nice. For a moment Anne pondered on that one thought. Is the oxygen at home not nice then? Or is this oxygen just stress-free, or maybe...

"I was wondering, princesses, if I may ask a personal question?" André gave a little pause before continuing. "Where's the queen?" He asked.

Blunt if you ask me. Anne thought raising an eyebrow. It was not meant to be kept secret, but the whole world did not need to know where the queen was. If asked, the princesses would share what they knew, otherwise the subject was left alone.

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