Chapter 6

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"You want to get married? This soon?" King Judea asked, astonished. His eyes bored into Princess Azura's and then into Prince Ryan's. "Does he know about your...?" The king whispered to princess Azura, leaning in for her to hear.

Prince Ryan could clearly hear him for he answered for her; "Yes, your majesty, I know of Princess Azura's enchantment. As you can see it does not affect me anymore for she has fallen in love with me." He smiled sweetly at Princess Azura.

"Did Azura tell you about it herself?" King Judea skeptically asked, nose in the air as he stared the prince down. This tactic usually worked to get the truth out of folks; king Judea smugly thought. However, to him, the prince proved to be telling the truth, since he was not backing down or cowering.

"She has indeed. The moment she shared her undying love for me, I wanted nothing more than to accept her feelings. The moment I kissed her the spell broke and as of now we can communicate as regular people who are in love." Prince Ryan affectionately squeezed princess Azura's shoulder and she smiled dreamily in response.

She looked smitten over this prince; king Judea thought again.

"Alright then, I will allow you to be wed, on one condition." King Judea boasted his chest, proud of his daughter for finding her true love and ridding herself of that dreadful curse.

"What may that be your highness?" Prince Ryan asked cheekily with pretentious courtesy.

"You may only marry my daughter after her birthday. That should give you two enough time to get better acquainted with each other." King Judea smiled and nodded, signaling that these were his final words and that they may take their leave.

Prince Ryan bowed his head in acknowledgment with a tight smile plastered on his face.

Princess Azura's smile in contrast widened with excitement and a small squeal escaped her lips as she rushed to give her father a bearlike hug.

King Judea embraced his little princess and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Let us hope your mother likes him too." To this Princess Azura exhaled a breathy laugh.

*** A few days have passed ***

King Judea observed Azura and Prince Ryan during those few days.

They seem to be getting along. Prince Ryan seems to have made himself at home.

King Judea had some concerns but he knew it was only his fatherly instincts to have them.

With the help of my lovely wife, I will observe and interview Prince Ryan to see if he is truly the right one for our daughter. As time passes we will have to discuss inheritances and kingdom properties. The combining of our countries might get a little tricky.

However, I do feel a little disappointed. King Judea thought as he wrote in his journal.

I was hoping she would fall in love with another prince, a special one from our neighbor country.

King Judea looked up from his journal and sighed. The absence of his dear wife's influences and presence was affecting his mind and actions. Her guidance helped a lot with the ruling of the kingdom, it also influenced the way he communicated with their daughters. Her encouragement helped him get through the hardships of his daily life.

She is so far away. The king sighed longingly.

A knock at the door woke him from his lonely thoughts. "Come on in." He closed the journal acknowledging the man that opened the door.

Azura's EnchantmentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant