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Lisa grunted

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Lisa grunted. She had recognized the tiger instantly. Not as if it could have been anyone else with his unforgettable stripes and the way he had to look at her. She couldn't see anyone else in him.

She turned to face Agatha with pleading eyes but he evaded her gaze. She gritted her teeth. Why was he so cruel when she needed him ? Ugh. Not like she could go back now that he was there. She didn't have much of a choice.

"Why are you here ?" she finally asked. Several seconds had passed since the tiger sat town and he still hadn't said anything.

"Obviously you wanted to see me."

The brunette felt her eye twitch right after his sentence. Louis was the one who summoned her and the tiger had the nerve to say that ?

"Obviously not," she answered. "Seeing as Louis asked me to come here. Agatha can testify."

Agatha, standing as tall and menacing as ever, nodded.

"Louis asked me to come."

And of course it didn't take them long to guess who the mastermind behind this meeting was. In fact, it didn't even take them five seconds. As soon as she realized this was a prank Louis pulled on her, Lisa got up.

As she rose, she met eyes with Agatha's disapproving glare. She was halfway up when she stopped, furrowing her brows, getting angry at the lion for reprimanding her. She sat back down and let a loud sigh escape her lips.

"Thank you," the lion said. The brunette barely looked at him to acknowledge his gratitude. She would have liked to be warned who her 'special guest' would be. She wouldn't have gone.

Seeing as the table was full, a waitress decided to come to them and get their orders. She was a small badger, not even one meter tall. She looked nice, a pretty, shiny black and white fur, and had a gentle smile on her lips. But Lisa wasn't in the mood.

Of course this wasn't an excuse to her behavior, but an explanation. She could have behaved correctly, been polite and tried not to make the waitress uncomfortable. Because she knew how to do that. She knew how to be a young lady.

But she didn't care.

She didn't face her nor looked at her, and let Agatha order her meal as he saw fit. He had good taste, and she didn't doubt she would be satisfied with his choice. Her actions made the waitress uneasy, even though that may also have been the effect of Bill's gaze on her. He was almost devouring her thighs with his eyes.

That only annoyed Lisa even more. He was with her, almost on a date with her, she would've liked it if it were a date, and he had the nerve to stare at the waitress.

Once she brought their dishes, the both of them spent half of the meal in silence.

Lisa didn't have anything to say to Bill.

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