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When I walked into the school I walked right over to my locker. When I got to my locker I saw the school slut and Zayn aka the school play boy. I saw them making out infront of my locker so I walked up to them and said "can you take this somewhere else and not infront of my locker" they pulled away and looked at me the slut gave me a dirty look while Zayn smriked at me before they walked away.

After class my teacher called for me "y/n can you please come here for a second" I nodde my head and walked over to her "yes Miss Miller" "I was wondering if you could tutor Zayn for me" as soon as she said Zayn's name he walked up to us with a smirk as he looked at me "why do I have to do it why couldn't you get someone else to do it"  I said as I rolled my eyes as I looked Zayn then back to my teacher and groan "fine I will do it" my teacher smiled at me and said thank you.

After that I walked out of the classroom with Zayn behind me. When we got out I turned to face Zayn and said "meet me at my car in the car park after school so I can drive to my place if your not there I'm leaving you okay" before he could say anything I walked away.

When school finished I walked over to my locker and placed my stuff in there then I walked out to my car. When I got there I saw Zayn standing there while he was on his phone. I walked up to him and said "let's go" I unlocked my car as me and him got in and drive to my house.

When we got to my house I saw that my parent's car isn't there so we walked up to the door and I unlocked it letting me and Zayn in. We walked in and I said "my parents aren't home yet so you go up to my room it's upstairs on the first door to your left. I will be up there soon I'm just getting a drink okay" he nodded his head and walked right up to my room as I got a drink then walked up to my room.

When I got to my room I saw Zayn sitting on my bed with both of our school books lied out everywhere so I walked over to my bed and sat down next to him "okay let's start shell we" he nodded as we got into it.

After we were done I got up and was about to leave my room When Zayn asked me "where are you going" "I need to go to the toilet and now that we are done you can leave if you want" He nodded his head as I left to go to the toilet. When I walked back into my room I was pushed into the wall and felt Zayn's lips smash onto mine. After I got out of my shock I pushed Zayn off me "what the hell are you doing" I said as I gleared at him as he smirked at me then said "sorry I couldn't help myself I liked you for a really long time" when he told me he liked me I rolled my eyes "yeah right I don't believe that you like me. You just want to play me like what you do with every girl at our school. You just fuck then leave them" when I said that he started to look pissed "of couse I like you and you wanna know something" he said as I rolled my eyes and nodded "I never fucked anyone of thoes girls they just say they did but I never did. All I ever did was kiss them I never could get myself to do anything with thoes girl. So now you know I did that because I liked you, I only wanted you not some slut at school but because you don't believe me I will show myself out" he started to leave. 

After I let everything sinked in I turned around and saw that Zayn was already left my room so I ran down there and saw that he was about to open my front door so I ran up to him grabbed his hands and turned him around and pulled him down so my lips met his as his hands wrap around my waist. I pulled away and look him in the eyes and said "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" Zayn looked down at me and smiled before kissing me again as he was still smiling as I smiled to.

Zayn lifted me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist as he started walking up to my room. When we got to my room Zayn kicked my door shut then he put me on my bed and climbed on top of me and started to kiss down my neck finding my sweet spot making me groan then he kissed back to my lips. We pulled away for a second to take off my shirt then Zayn took off his shirt then he kissed me again then we started on our pants leaving us in our underwears and my bra.

Zayn kissed down my neck to my chest and started unclipped my bra and throw it somewhere on my floor. He leaned down to my right breast while he massages my left side. After awhile he went to my left breast and did what he did with my right side. I let out a small moan as he kissed down to my penties and kissed over them on my core making me moan. Zayn pushed my penties down and started to kiss both my thighs teasing me "Zayn stop fucking teasing me" I let out a loud moan as he dipped his head down and started to lick and suck on my clit "uhhh fuck Zayn yes" I moaned out as I gripped his hair making his groan against my core waitch made me moan louder. I felt my climax "f-uck I'm a-almos-t there" as I was about to reach my high Zayn moved and came back up to me and gave him the wtf look "I want you to come as I'm in you" he said as he started to pull off his boxers then went down to his pants and grabbed out a condom and put it on then he placed it at my entrance. He looked down at me so I nodded  as he pushed in me bit by bit witch I goaned in pain a bit. When he was fully in me he stopped until I was use to his size. After a bit all I felt is pleasure so I moaned and told him he could move.

He started to move in me slowly so he doesn't hurt me "mmm fu-ck Zayn g-go fast-er" he did as I told him and started to go faster. He kept on slamming in me finding all the right spots making my climax come closer "fuck Zayn I-I'm almost t-there" "me too baby let go" he said as me and him both reached our high. Zayn dipped his head in my neck leaving little kisses up and down. Zayn pulled out of me and lied down next to me and pulled me to his chest as he kissed my forehead as I kissed his chest "get some sleep baby okay" I nodded my head before falling asleep.

Hey guys I just wanna say sorry for not updating I was going to last week but my grandmother was in the hospital but now that she's out I will try to update on all my books that I haven't done yet. 





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