Chapter 27

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Clay Pov

"Hey Georgie" I said walking over to the brit who had the T.V turned on.

"Yea," He answered seeming confused.

"Wilber and I are going to get some grocery's okay?"

He nodded as I gave him a quick kiss goodbye, and told him I loved him. Once he said it back I walked over to the door looking at Nick and Ranboo silently, and waved to my brunnete. "Bye George" I called out and we stepped out the door.

I sat in the drivers seat of my car and Wilber sat in the passengers seat. The show wouldn't start until 6 pm, so I had time to get ready, reahearse, and set up. "You gonna drive?" Wilber said sensing my unease.

I chuckled softly. "Yea, just a bit nervous."

"I understand" Wilber said reassuringly. "Its always like that before shows. You'll do great though"

"Thanks Wil," I said smiling at him, and he returned the smile.

I backed out of the garage, and started down the road. Just breathe, I told myself, but my brain did the opposite. It panicked while I tried to stay calm. Why was I so nervous all of a sudden?

We arrived at the studio and the two of us got out of the car. "You ready?" Wilber asked me and I nodded slightly. "As ready as I'll ever be." He nodded and walked into the studio.

(Not sure how performances work so bare with me)

I walked to the dressing room as Wilber walked off, telling me he'd set up everything I needed. I thanked him and got into my suit. The suit was completely black with a tie that was around my neck. The lining of the suit had lime green on the outside which was the same green color as my tie.

After getting into my suit I grabbed my guitar and started practicing the tune, and saying the words in my head. After a bit, I practiced singing exercises, making sure that my voice and tone sounded perfect.

George Pov

"Hey Georgie" The blonde said walking over to me, examining the T.V show I had on.

"Yea," I answered.

"Wilber and I are going to get some grocery's okay?"

I nodded as he gave me a quick kiss goodbye, and told me, he loved me. I said it back he walked over to the door and waved to me. "Bye George" he called as he walked out the door.

I wonder what grocery's he'll bring back. I was excited. I didn't like going shopping, but Clay always managed to sneak a little chocolate bar for us to share. He knew I loved it, and I always thanked him with a kiss.

"George, want some breakfast" Nick said to me, as I smelled the burning toast from the kitchen.

"No thanks. I like my food slightly toasted, not on fire" I yelled back to him as Ranboo started laughing uncontrollably.

He rolled his eyes, and I mentally argued with myself. Part of me knew I should go and get some breakfast, but I also knew I wouldn't eat it. I felt bad. Clay would tell you too eat George. I sighed. I didn't feel hungry.

Ranboo came and sat down next to me with two plates. "Here George, I made some toast for you," He said smiling "Its not burnt like Nick's either"

I smiled back at him while Nick scoffed at us offended. "I'm not wrong Nick" Ranboo said as he handed the plate to me. I looked down at the plate of toast, Ranboo had made just for me. Soon Nick came to sit down next to us, his burnt toast on his plate.

"George aren't you hungry" Nick asked me flipping through channels. When I didn't respond a few moments later, Nick looked at Ranboo, as they signalled thoughts silently to each other.

"George?" Ranboo asked.

"George what's wrong." Nick said looking at me, a concerned look across his face. I shrugged my shoulders as Ranboo looked at Nick again.

"George can you just eat a little bit?" Nick asked me softly. "It doesn't have to be much. Clay would be sad to find you didn't eat."

I sighed knowing the two were right. "Just a little?" They asked, and soon I nodded. I picked up the toast as I took a bite slowly. Wow this is really good. I thought as I took another bite.

Nick and Ranboo seamed pleased. "Thanks" I said smiling at the two as they nodded, happy that I had eaten something.

We sat on the couch for a few more hours laughing together, and watching T.V every now and then.

Soon enough it was 5:00 pm, and Ranboo went to the kitchen to make dinner for the three of us. "Mind if I change the station" Nick asked me, and I nodded not caring about whatever was on.

Nick nodded and grabbed the remote changing it to a station with an audience and a stage.

"Why aren't Clay and Wilber back yet" I asked the two and they froze. Weird. Were they keeping something from me? I shrugged it off as the two shrugged.

Clay Pov

5:00 pm.

1 hour before I go on stage. Sing my heart out for the one I loved most. My George.

I watched as the clock ticked by, excitement and nervousness hitting me all at once.

45 minutes left.

"Clay, you ready?" Wilber said coming into my room.

"Yea, yea I'm ready."

"Look you'll do great. Okay? Nick texted me, George ate some toast and they are watching right now"

My George ate! I was so proud. "He still doesn't know right?"

Wilber nodded at me. Perfect. He left the room as soon as he had come, and I glanced at the clock again.

30 minutes.

I sighed. Relax Clay, he's going to love it.

15 minutes

"Clay you ready?" Wilber said coming in one last time to guide me out to the stage. I nodded and got up, feeling my nerves run all over the place. I took a deep breath, relaxing myself, as I headed behind the curtain, just right backstage.

All of a sudden I heard a voice, knowing it was my que. I looked up feeling excited as the curtain lifted slightly feeling a bright light rush against my skin.

"And now, the special guest we have been waiting for.."


(1074 words)

Hey!! Thank you guys so much for 900 reads!! I love you guys so much!

Also I'm posting the introduction for 'My Lover' after this so you'll get a little idea about the story. :]

I will not be posting chapters on 'My Lover' until this book is finished. (Its almost done, so don't worry)

Anyways. Love you guys!! <3

Offstage (Dnf)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ