Chapter 18

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TW: Death/mentions of death and sickness

Alex Pov

I started walking to the hospital, not knowing what was wrong with my mom. I hope she's okay. "She's going to be okay" I tried sounding confident, but it came out in more of a heartbroken whisper.

Hands in my pockets I noticed the hospital just up ahead and started running. I got to the hospital door and  opened it. Out of breath I went up to the front desk of the hospital.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" A lady at the front desk said smiling happily with her hands crossed. I wanted to punch her.

"I'm Alex, I'm here for my mom." Trying not to show I was angry I looked the lady in the eyes and she told me what room to go into.

I walked down the hallway and felt my breath hitch as I entered my moms room. "Mom!" I breathlessly said.

"Alex" She said hugging me softly.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Alex I can't breathe-"

I started to panic. "Mom what do you mean?"

"Alex I love you"

I sat down and cried into her. Cried even after I couldn't feel her chest go up and down anymore. Mom was dead.


I woke up in a room, being connected to a bunch of wires. There was faint crying in the background, but I didn't want to open my eyes just yet.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes blinking softly. "Alex!" A familiar voice cried.

"George?" I said trying to make up of the human who was leaning over me.

"Mhm. Clay's here too. He went to get some food" I noticed the sadness in his voice as he talked. "Are you okay" I nodded slightly as I sat up feeling dizzy.

George Pov

I watched as Alex met Clay's gaze for a second. Were they hiding something from me? Alex walked out the door and I could see pain in his eyes. I looked back at Clay and leaned into him. "Clay," I said my voice breaking. The blonde rubbed my back softly in attempt to calm me. "Clay, is he going to be okay?" The blonde looked down at me and I saw the same pain in his eyes as Alex. He shook his head and I buried my head in his chest and cried. The blonde picked me up making shushing sounds to get me to calm down. "Sunflower, can I tell you something?" I nodded as he sat me on the bed, hugging me tightly.

"Sunflower, Alex isn't doing okay," My breath became faster as he said this, and the blonde started tracing small circles on my back. "Listen George, he has pneumonia, and he-" I nodded knowing what he was going to say, not wanting to admit it. I pushed my head in the crook of his chest and leaned into him softly.

"Is that why he went to the hospital?" I asked slowly still crying into the blonde. "I don't know Georgie" Clay said softly to me.


I looked at my phone seeing a notification from the hospital. "Clay, its Alex," I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. All I could do was cry in that moment as I felt the blonde cover me in warmth, radiating off of his body. The blonde understood what I wanted to say, and pulled me to his car in the driveway. Once we were both in the car, he sped up on the road trying to get to the hospital as fast as possible.

Clay Pov

George was panicking beside me. I didn't know what to do. The moment I parked the car, I took his hand in mine and we rushed in the building.

"Hello! How can I help you today?"

"Alex, were here for Alex." I said to the lady at the front desk breathlessly.

"Oh I'm sorry you can't see him right now" The lady furrowed her eyebrows trying to keep something from me and George.

I squeezed George's hand tightly letting him know I was frustrated. "What's the reason"

"Oh- umm," She chuckled awkwardly at the question. I glared at her as she sighed. "Alright, alright. He's in room 087" I nodded my head at her in thanks and walked with George, still pulling him lightly.

George opened the door to the room, and there laid an unconscious Alex. His face was pale and his breathing light, while his arms were connected to a bunch of wires trying to keep him alive.

George immediately fell to the floor at the sight of his best friend. "Georgie, its going to be okay" I said picking him up and hugging him close to me. He cried into my shoulder while I kissed him softly telling him it was going to be alright. He eventually nodded and he sat on the chair as I sat next to him. "Would you like some food my Sunflower?" He nodded again sniffling quietly as I got up telling him I'd be right back.

I walked down the stairs to find food for my Georgie. I turned down a few poorly lighted hallways to a room that had a plack called 'Cafeteria'. Perfect. I said to myself.


After getting food for me and my boyfriend, I climbed up the stairs again and went back into the room to see Alex awake and George standing over him slightly, still crying. "Hey Alex, how you feeling?" I asked handing some food to George. He nodded wiping his tears to give me a light kiss, and whispered a small 'thank you' and sat down to eat his food.

"I think I'm doing alright. I'm a bit dizzy and can't breathe very well" I looked over to George who turned pale at that very sentence. "Alex," He said taking a deep breath. "Clay said you have pneumonia. Is that true" Alex nodded sadly coughing hard. "Alex you okay" I asked feeling worried for him and George. He shook his head and pointed to something around the bed. There was a red button that said emergency on it. I pushed the button like Alex told me too, not knowing what was going to happen.

All of a sudden nurses and docters entered, flooding the tiny room. One started talking to me about what had happened and I told her. She seemed to understand and they pushed me and George out of the room, so they could tend to Alex.

George started crying softly into my shoulder again as we stood there holding each other tightly. "He's going to be okay, right Clay?" I held his chin so he looked up at me with his watery eyes and tear stained cheeks. "I can't promise that Georgie"

A nurse came out of Alex's room, holding a clipboard in his hands. "Are you Clay and George, Alex's friends?" We nodded slightly, as I took George's hand in mine waiting for what he was going to say. "I have some bad news" He said and I felt George's hand shaking slightly. "Alex, as you know is not doing so well," He paused trying to find the right words before beginning again. "He's gotten worse after his mom passed a day ago." His mom died. I looked to George who had a pained expression on his face mixed with confusion. Poor Alex. "There's really no good way to say this but Alex will die in a couple of hours. I'm so very sorry" He said as he walked away back into the room giving us some privacy.

"George," I said hearing my own voice break. I took him in my arms and held him there, crying into each other softly as we let reality sink in. Were going to loose Alex.

(1338 words)

300 reads! What!!! Thank you guys so much!! MCC later today what team you guys watching? Anways, thank you so much for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy my book!

Bye! :] Love ya guys! <3

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