Chapter 26

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Hey! Sorry if the formating is a little weird in this one. It wouldn't work for me so I hope its alright! :]

Anyways Enjoy!

Clay Pov

Our driver, Jack drove all five of us home that night. I was admiring the beautiful brunnete, that was snuggled up, sleeping on my shoulder, and holding the little white plush I had gotten for him. Before I noticed the car was silent, and I looked to see the other three staring at us.

I blushed slightly feeling the warmth come to my cheeks.

"You really love him, don't you" Nick said whispering, not wanting to wake George.

"Mhm" I answered, kissing my boyfriend lightly on his forehead.

The three went back to whispering among each other, as I sat watching George. His face was scrunched up slightly and his fluffy brown hair hung over his eyes. His eyes were closed peacefully as he let out even breath's.

"Clay?" Someone said knocking me out of my trance. I looked up to see the three chuckling softly.

"Clay, mind if we stay over" Wilber asked. "You know to make sure George is okay?"

"Oh, of course!" I said "You guys can stay over anytime."

They smiled happily as we heard Jacks voice, telling us we were home.

"Come on" I said picking up my George, and carrying him inside as the others followed me.

"I'll be back, just going to help George."

They nodded sitting on the couch as I walked upstairs, and put George in our bed. I gave him a kiss and tucked him in.

Once I had walked downstairs the three had chips and were watching something on T.V.

"Hey guys can I ask you something?"

The three nodded and I sat down on the couch feeling their stares look at me.

"Everything alright Clay" Nick said looking worried as I turned to face him.

"Yea. I need your guys help"

They nodded looking excited. "With what" Wilber asked as a smile krept onto his face.

"Yea, we'll help with anything" Ranboo said.

"Okay, so you know how George has been down lately" I want to suprise him with something I've been working on."

"Oh sure, what is it?" Ranboo said asking again as the other two nodded.

"Its a song." I replied. "Its a surprise, so I'm not telling anyone, what its about, or what its called. They nodded. "I need your help though"

"Sure!" Wilber said, sounding more excited than ever.

"I was thinking of doing a solo, if that's okay" I hesitated hoping they would let me.

"Of course Clay. I assume you just need help setting up, and distracting George from it." Nick said practically reading my mind

"Yea, how did you know I was going to say that" I questioned and he just shrugged.

"I know you well Clay."

I smiled softly. "Thanks Nick"

"Do you have the song finished" Wilber asked looking curious. I knew he loved writing songs and producing them. I shook my head. "Almost. Just a little more editing, and it should be done." I replied to him and he nodded.

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