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Hey my lovelies. Sorry I took longer than I said. I just needed sometime.

This was requested my  @Marvel_Fan85 . Hope you like it.

I'll put up a few pics of tattoos for imagination but it can be anything you guys like.


Y/N's Pov

I was literally shaking. You see I have decided to get a tattoo with my big brother. We were getting the siblings matching kind. Chris has a few already and I really wanted to get one. Its my 18th birthday and I'm getting one today. The idea was Chris's though. I wasn't sure what I wanted so he suggested getting a matching tattoo with him. I love that idea too. My first tattoo will be so special. The thing is, I've never been a fan of needles. Its not the usual fear though. Each time I get nervous for a needle but it ends up not hurting me as much as I feared. But tattoos were different. It wasn't just one prick. The needle was going into my skin multiple times. Not cool but I really want one so I told myself to suck it up and get one.

"you ready?" Chris asks standing next to me as we were facing the tattoo studio. Its the one Chris got his previous ones.

"Yup" I say holding his arm and we walk in together.

"Hey man,nice to see you again" A tall guy with his right hand covered in a sleeve of tattoos say as soon as he sees Chris.

"Hey man " Chris says and turns to look at me.

"Y/N this is Joey. He owns this studio and he is the one who did my tattoos. Joey this is my little sister." Chris introduces us.

"Hey honey" he says stretching his hand out for me to shake.

"Hey" I say shaking his hand and he smiles.

He seemed very friendly which I kinda liked. I mean I don't want some crazy bitchy person putting needles into my skin.

"So who is getting the tattoo?" Joey asks.

"Both of us. We are getting matching ones." Chris tells him.

"Oh how sweet. Wait you're 18 right?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah. Just turned 18 today" I tell him.

"Oh happy birthday." he wishes me and I thank him.

Chris gives him the design and Joey uploads it on the computer to get the right size wanted. Chris was getting it on his arm and I was getting mine on my forearm.

Once we decide the size, Joey takes a print out of the design and places it on my arm so the design prints on my arm.

"Is that good?" he asks and I look at it to make sure it wasn't too small or big.

"Yeah this is perfect" I say looking at the stencil print. 

"Mines good too. Right?" Chris asks looking at me.

"Yeah looks good to me" I say looking at his arm.

"Okay lets start" Joey says and walks into another room. Chris nudges me to follow him and we walk into the room.

There were two chairs right next to each other and a table next to them with all the equipment.

"You guys take a seat. I'll get Vanessa" Joey says going into a smaller room.

"Vanessa is his wife. She will be doing one of our tattoos." Chris explains like he read my mind.

"Oh" I nod.

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