Loki held her back, a gentle hand on the small of her back as they waited to have the room to themselves.

"You alright?" He asked, although her the dimples in her cheeks were enough of a tell.

"I'm great." She bit down on her lip, standing on her toes, attempting to meet his eye-level, with her thumbs brushing over his sharp cheekbones.

"What were you two talking about?" He didn't hide his amusement at her struggle, her hands tightening around his jaw every time her balance wavered. He kept his own hands firm on the dip of her waist, looking down at her even as she raised as tall as possible.

"You." She said simply, still chewing on her bottom lip, giving up with matching his towering height.

"Oh really?" Loki smirked.

She only hummed in agreement, pulling his face down to hers to kiss him, a chaste, smiley one, before pulling back and brushing past him, a skip in her step as she joined the rest.

He licked his lips, shaking his head as he turned to watch her leave, soon following close behind.

The day drifted past, full of smiles and laughter. Full of family.

Tony managed to spent the yearly earnings of most people on gifts, showing his favourites clearly throughout the exchanges; Diamond jewelry for Pepper, along with some scandalous lingerie that he absolutely did not attempt to hide.

Natasha received the largest boots ever created, "perfect for sack kicking" as she remarked, nobody dared to clarify her meaning.

And Steve received a senior citizen bus pass, of course.

Many more gifts were passed around, a layer of brown paper covered the floor, ribbons littered all across the room and discarded bows stuck to furniture and unsuspecting victims backs.

The only thing Miriana cared about however, was Loki, she had spent every second that she wasn't with him obsessing over what to get him. She had asked Thor as subtly as she could with his awful secret keeping skills, she must have spent hours online, looking through articles and blogs and Pinterest boards of gift ideas; She had also suddenly become very grateful that she had never had to partake in the exchange of gifts before.

The pair were tucked away in the corner, away from everyone else's loud arguing over who got the best gift for who. Loki slowly unwrapped the paper, sending glances to Ana as she grinned across from him, basically bursting with excitement.

He finally uncovered the stack of books, they included all the classics. Loki was always reading, he'd found a few good ones throughout his time on Midgard, and still had a few copies of his Asgardian favourites. But these were the ones that, from what Ana had found, were the very best. Shakespeare, of course, filled most of the pages, but she also included a few Orwell and Dickinson collections.

Something she hoped he'd find later were the pressed flowers she'd left between some of her favourite pages, Ana hated reading but she'd made sure to find the best parts to mark. The flowers she had chosen were as close to the ones that filled the Asgardian gardens as possible, based off Thors rather excited description.

He flipped through them, sifting through the books as Miriana explained what each one was about and the brief history of them she had managed to memorise for him. The corners of his eyes wrinkled with a smile and he looked up to her.

"Thank you." He said simply.

She felt her heart swell, "You like them?" She asked, her brows twisting.

"Of course. You did not have to give me so much, my love." He moved the stack of books off his lap, placing them carefully on the ground before he reached over to take her hand.

"Yes I did." She giggled, rubbing her thumbs over his hand. Ana turned her head, checking everyone else was distracted, her eyes softened as she looked back into his. "Loki, you've done so much for me. Helped me so much. I needed to be able to return that somehow, I don't even think this is enough to be honest."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he squeezed her hand, "You are not buying me anything more." His voice was stern, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You can't exactly stop me." She raised her brows at him.

"Oh, then I suppose you don't want this?" He furrowed his brows, a green light uncovering a wrapped up gift in his hand, A smirk stretched across his face as he handed it over to Miriana.

"You're an idiot." She scrunched her nose, giggling before she started opening it.

Loki watched with twisted brows, he had no idea if he'd gotten the right thing, he had such little knowledge on the holiday that it took weeks before a single idea popped into his head. He scratched at the palm of his hand, chewing on his lip as she pulled the paper off.

She uncovered a box, her hand gliding over the soft velvet covering, with a shaky breath Ana cracked the lid open. Placed delicately inside was a small silver chain with a snake charm laid in the centre.

Miriana felt her cheeks warm, her cheeks dumpling with a giddy smile, she picked up the necklace carefully and met Lokis worried eye.

"I like snakes," He said simply, "and I like you." He added.

With her gift wrapped tightly in her hand Ana leaned over, gripping Lokis chin and planting her lips on his, he smiled into it before a wolf whistle sounded behind her, they pulled away quickly turning to see a now wasted Tony cheering them on.

The pair turned red as they looked back to each other, sharing a short chuckle before Ana looked down to the chain. She twisted the small charm in her fingers, remembering a story Thor had told her about Loki, of him turning one of the creatures.

"I like snakes too." She spoke softly.

She handed Loki the necklace, twisting in her seat, precariously perched on the edge of the coffee table, and held her mane of hair to the side. Loki grinned as he placed it around her neck, twinkling under the Christmas lights as it rested across her collarbones, amongst other chains and charms.

"I love snakes." She said, meeting his eye.


i got a new phone and wattpad is v different on here as well as the keyboard and stuff so if there's mistakes let me know,, and if u saw that first publish i apologise for my choice of filler title 🧍🏼


infuriating ~ loki laufeyson x ocOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant