Varchas~The Divine Form of Abhimanyu

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After Abhimanyu's last rites,

Kauravas attacked over pandavas shivir at night and king Virat died. Bheem called his son Ghatokach. Even he also died. Uttara's mother burnt herself with her husband's pyre. Uttara become alone and orphan again.

Uttara was sheding tears silently in her chamber.

At that time, Subhadra came

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At that time, Subhadra came. Uttara wiped her tears.

Uttara: Mata?What happened?U could call me.

Subhadra: Putri! From whom u are hiding ur grief? What do you think I can't see anything? I know what's going through u.

Uttara: Why mata? Why only me? At first, my brothers, then my husband and now my parents also. My mother didn't think about me for once.

Subhadra: Don't say this putri. They are always with u. Maybe we can't take ur parents place but we are always there for u.

Subhadra pulled Uttara in a hug with motherly affection. Uttara kept her head in Subhadra's lap and she was crying. Subhadra was also crying.

In chandralok,

Abhimanyu's pov,

Abhimanyu was seeing his mothers and wife is crying. He woke up and he was feeling to hug them tightly but he couldn't because he is not Abhimanyu now. He is now Chandreya varchas. His work has ended in the earth but he was missing his manohara and he was feeling seeing tears in her beautiful eyes but what to do. It's their destiny and manohara had to fulfil her duties and then she can come to him.

I have to say that I was very fortunate as Abhimanyu. I got 4 mothers. Maybe I never met with ma Chitrangada but I know she is also loving. My all 4 mothers are like Sita mata and that's why they could do so much sacrifices. Mata Draupadi was eternal companion of her 5 husbands and accompanied them during their exile and her sacrifices are incomparable. Mata Uloopi and Chitrangada were left by my father after some days or years after their wedding but they made their son warrior raising them alone. Mata Subhadra had given me birth and I am fortunate to call her my mother. She raised me and my upapandav brothers without her husband's help and lived like a commoner during exile. Being a princess, she didn't live a luxurious life. I am blessed but they are indeed unfortunate. I was husband of a unfortunate woman whom everyone left alone. But it's their destiny and it's necessary for the establishment of dharm.

I am badly missing that 16 years. It was a remarkable journey for me. Narayan himself was my teacher. Indra and sachi were my parents. Manohara was with me with the form of Uttara. Maybe I am Varchas in reality, but I am always Saubhadreya Abhimanyu for the mortal world. I know my parents, wife and other family members will love my son and raise my son. Pandavas and their wives will take a good care of my Manohara and my son. And I am always there in their hearts. Maybe they can't see me but I am in their feelings.

The End

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