Subhadra's reaction

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Arjun was feeling like his own heart is bleeding.

Arjun: Madhav! Did something bad happen?

Krishna: In a war, what good thing you can expect, Parth?

Arjun: Madhav! I am having a strange feeling. The same feeling what I felt during Iravan's death. Does it mean I am going to lose someone my own? Abhimanyu? Is he okay?

Krishna: Let's go back to the camp.

Arjun was hearing from soldiers of kauravas side that Satwateya showed great valour today. He smiled hearing that but his smile faded when he heard 7 maharathis and other warriors of kauravas side tortured him mercilessly inside of the chakravyuh. Arjun was shocked and frowned hearing this as he couldn't teach him how to come outside. That soldiers noticed Arjun and went away.

Arjun: Have you heard Madhav?

Krishna: Yes Parth. Let's go to the camp.

Arjun: Madhav! I couldn't teach him how to come outside. What I will say to Chitra if something will happen to my dearest son Abhimanyu? She already bear a lot and I don't think she can bear if anything will happen to her son. I am scared; Madhav! How will she react if she hear her husband and his brothers were not able to protect her son? How I will say face her?

Krishna: Parth, my sister is not that frugal now. She let her son participate in the war knowing about it's consequences only. Now, let's go Parth.

This news went to pandavas shivir. Without Uttara and Subhadra, other pandavpatnis heard this. Draupadi was about to faint but Uloopi held her tightly.

Devika: Do you know what are you saying? I can't believe you. How's this possible when all the sons of Pandu were present there?

Soldier: It's true maharani. Sindhuraj Jayadrath came with the blessing of stopping all the warriors of pandavas side without pandava Arjun.

Valandhara: Where was he when that beasts were torturing his son?

Soldier: He was fighting in another side.

Draupadi: My son abhi left me. How will we face Uttara and auspicious Krishnaa now?

On the other side,

Subhadra was thinking what happened. She was sure nothing had happened with Arjun as Krishna was there then Abhimanyu. But no.... it's not possible because 4 pandavas are there to protect him. Satyabhama went to subhadra after gathering courage. The incarnation of Bhudevi was also scared to tell the truth to the mother who raised her son alone and now had to see his corpse.

Satyabhama: Bhadrey....*in a low voice*

Subhadra: Pranipat bhabhi! See na, I am feeling very restless but I don't know the reason.

Satyabhama smiled controlling her tears and she was not getting that courage to tell this to Subhadra as she knows Subhadra loves her son more than anything and she was scared if Subhadra will do something unexpected after hearing this.

Subhadra was looking at Satyabhama and her quietness was scaring her from the core. Her charming smile was not visible on her face today. Does it mean something bad happened? It seems she came with any bad news today.

Subhadra: What happened bhabhi? Is anything going to happen or happened? Why are you so quiet today?

Satyabhama: What was going to happen, that happened.

Subhadra: Meaning? See, you are also making riddles nowadays like bhrata. *Frowns*

Satyabhama: Nothing. Abhimanyu showed great valour today. Only for him, pandavas won today. His name will be written in the golden letters for his great valour.

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