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13th day morning,

Arjun and Krishna was going to another side today in the war. Abhimanyu took blessings from them and told that he will show his real valour today and arjun smiled.

Krishna: My son, staying alive or winning always doesn't mean that u are a great warrior. Sometimes, cowards are also declared as winner but if u can show everyone your real skills and if you will be able to fight with bravery then you are a real warrior.

Abhimanyu: Yes mamashree, I promise I will make you all proud. I will die but I won't leave my enemies till my death.

Arjun: I trust you my son. Take care of yourself.

Arjun pulled Abhimanyu in his affectionate embrace and he was having a strange feeling.

Abhimanyu: Where is matashree?

Draupadi: She is sleeping putra. As she was already tensed, I didn't call her.

Abhimanyu: Ohh.

Abhimanyu went to subhadra's chamber and took blessings from her. Then he caressed her head and slowly Subhadra opened her eyes and looked at Abhimanyu.

Subhadra: Are you going my son?

Abhimanyu: Yes matashree, please bless me.*touches her feet*

Subhadra: My blessings are always with you, my son. Kirtimanbhava putra!*Keeps hand over his head*

Abhimanyu greeted other wives of pandavas and wives of Krishna. Then he looked at his pregnant wife and smiled at her for the last time. Then he left for the battlefield. The beautiful princess of matsya was looking at his departing figure and her heart was saying something inauspicious is going to happen.

Uttara: Hey Mahadev! Please protect my husband. *whispers*

In the kurukshetra,

According to their plan, Duryodhan told dronacharya to build a chakravyuh. Pandavas were confused as none of them knows how to enter inside of this. Abhimanyu learnt from Arjun how to enter inside but he doesn't know how to come outside. Arjun couldn't teach him that.

Abhimanyu: Juesth pitashree, I will go inside of this chakravyuh. Permit to go inside.

Yudhisthir: No putra. I can't put your life at risk.

Abhimanyu: Please give me permission. Otherwise, our soldiers will be killed.

Yudhisthir: No putra.

Bheem: My dear son, it's stupidity to think to save present putting the future at stake. Let's see what these wicked kauravas can do.

Kauravas were mercilessly killing all the soldiers of pandavas side and it seems if they won't get their prey, this war will be ended today only.

Abhimanyu: If I will enter, then you all can also enter by following me. Please tatshree Yudhisthir, permit me to go inside and if they keep destroying our present like this, then our future will be in darkness only.

Nakul: It's a good idea juesth and we have to do something. 

At last, yudhisthir told Abhimanyu to enter inside of the chakravyuh. Abhimanyu went inside of the chakravyuh but before pandavas could enter Jayadrath stood there. Jayadrath was unbeatable with his boon from mahadev and only arjun could kill him but he was not there. Abhimanyu was alone in front of 7 maharathis even other warriors were also there. They started attacking over Abhimanyu but Abhimanyu was fighting with them with bravery. Everyone was praising the courage of this young son of Subhadra.

Duryodhan was thinking to give a painful death to Abhimanyu and he was sure by this pandavas will feel immense pain even Abhimanyu is dearer to their beloved wife Draupadi also

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Duryodhan was thinking to give a painful death to Abhimanyu and he was sure by this pandavas will feel immense pain even Abhimanyu is dearer to their beloved wife Draupadi also.

Duryodhan ordered all the maharathis to attack over Abhimanyu together. Abhimanyu was protesting them. They were hurting Abhimanyu. Bleeding started from his body but he was unstoppable. Pandavas were crying seeing his condition but he was smiling. Duryodhan thought that Abhimanyu will beg in front of him but it didn't happen. Pandavas were begging for Abhimanyu's life but Abhimanyu didn't surrenders in front of them.

On the other side,

Krishna was controlling his tears and arjun was feeling a unknown emotion. Something was piercing him badly but he was unable to understand.Subhadra was also feeling restless and she was praying in front of mahadev.

On the other side,

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On the other side,

Abhimanyu was badly wounded by everyone but still he didn't accept defeat and wounded many maharathis and killed Duryodhan's son lakhsman and many other warriors. Duryodhan was more angry seeing this.

Bheem requested to free Abhimanyu from this pain. Duryodhan laughed seeing tears in pandavas eyes.

Bheem: Duryodhan! He is like your son only. Don't be so cruel to him.

Duryodhan: I am very kind my dear son. If you will beg in front of me and if I will feel pity over you, I will allow you to die.

Abhimanyu: I am not that coward tatshree. I will bear these but won't taint my father's name and I will not beg in front of a sinner who had insulted my mother.

Duryodhan: You really deserve a painful death. Hey maharathis, attack over him but don't kill him till sunset.

Abhimanyu: You can continue but I will fight with you till the last drop of my blood. Juesth pitashree, please tell my father that I didn't taint his name and tell my mother Yadavkumari Subhadra that I followed her every words and I gave my life but didn't bow down in front of enemies. Tell juesth mata that the fire of revenge didn't extinguish and it will burn till the end.

All maharathis were mercilessly attacking satwateya but he wasn't crying. From outside, pandavas were crying and begging for his life.

Bheem: Duryodhan, please leave him. I will come inside without any weapons. You can kill me but leave this young son of Yadavi. Please Duryodhan!

Duryodhan laughed loudly seeing pandavas begging before him.

Abhimanyu: Tatshree! We should beg before them who are pure and respectful but not to them who are not deserved to call a human also. Let them kill me if death is destined to me today but don't let them come out as winners. Oh tatshree! Please don't let my parents and others fall weak hearing about my death but be more ferocious. I can't get peace until I will see them being punished. I want to see all these sinners being punished who tried to insult my mother.

Duryodhan: Ohh! I see! The son of Satwati and Dhananjaya is trying to be brave but remember you are a cub only in front of this group of lions. If we want, we can end you in a moment but we won't allow you a easy death. You will die after enduring more pain.

Abhimanyu: Ohh I see. I think these lions didn't have that courage to face a cub alone and that's why they made this kind of strategies. After all, you  are lion by name only but inside, you are coward and you know, this cub is enough to defeat your so called lions if they will come alone.

Duryodhan looked at Abhimanyu angrily who had a teasing smile on his face and order other maharathis to attack over Abhimanyu more fiercely.

Warriors of kauravas side kept attacking Abhimanyu.

At last, Karn killed Abhimanyu before sunset.

Arjun felt a strong pain in his heart and tears were falling from his eyes but the reason was unknown. Subhadra's lamp was extinguished and Subhadra was shocked to react. She was thinking what happened.

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