Chapter twenty-five

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It's Christmas morning and I have been awake for hours. Last night we went and looked at Christmas lights and Niall's reactions keep running through my mind. At first he didn't care at all, but by the end his eyes lit up at every house. He would hold my hand tight and just enjoyed himself.

I roll over onto my side and sigh quietly. Niall has acted like a completely normal person and I can see myself being pulled to him on a deeper level. This man could be good if he was removed from his environment in England.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly, unsure if Niall is awake. It's only seven a.m. He could still be asleep.

"Sure," Niall sighs.

"Are you happy?" I ask hesitantly.

"Do you mean right now or in general?"

"Both." I start to play with the corner of my comforter out of nervousness.

"I think so. I don't really know what happiness is." Niall talks quietly, but so confident.

"Are you having fun with my family?" I don't know why I care so much, but I want him to say yes.

"For the most part, yes." Niall being mostly happy isn't good enough.

"What can I do to make you fully happy?" I ask with no hesitation.

"Nothing love." Niall turns and looks at me. "You have made this the best Christmas."

I lean over to try to give Niall a quick kiss, but Niall brings his hand to the back of my neck and keeps me close.

I pull back slightly and mumble against his lips, "my parents are going to come knocking on my door any second."

"I don't care love." Niall mumbles as he tries to close the gap between us, but as if on cue there is a knock on my door. "Your parents are cock blockers."

"You will be fine for a few more days." I tap Niall on the cheek and then climb out of bed. "Come in."

As my mom opens the door she yells, "Merry Christmas!"

I walk over to her and hug her.

"Merry Christmas mom! Where is dad? You both usually come and get me." I look into the hallway, but I don't see my dad at all.

"He was worried we were interrupting something." Mom rolls her eyes and I sigh.

"Why is he being so weird?" They are both being weird.

"He isn't being weird. We don't know Niall well enough yet. Once we all get comfortable, your dad and I will go back to having no boundaries." Mom smiles big and winks at Niall.

"Awesome," Niall mutters under his breath.

My mom and I ignore him.

"How hungry are you Niall? We usually open presents and then eat, but if you need to eat we can have breakfast first." My mom is not a patient person when it comes to gifts. I'm surprised she is giving Niall the option to eat first.

"I don't want to mess anything up. I can wait to eat." Niall says as he stays sitting in the bed with the comforter over him. "I really want to just experience Christmas how Francesca experiences it."

"You will have to get out of bed to do that." Mom teases Niall. Niall glances at me and then slowly and awkwardly rolls out of bed. That's when mom and I notice the hard on that Niall is rocking. "Oh, um, I will let you guys get ready. See you downstairs."

I have never seen my mom move so fast. She basically sprints out of my room. I chuckle and look over at Niall. He looks at me with no embarrassment.

Crashing Down (Dark N.H A.U)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora