Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up Saturday morning with a killer headache and in my old bed. I found a bottle of Tylenol and plenty of bottles of water. I spent my day laying in bed, nursing my pathetic hangover. Lola and Liam took turns bringing up food to me without me asking. When nighttime finally came around, I realized I never saw Niall. For the first night I slept peacefully.

When I wake up Sunday morning alone, I build up the courage to walk down to the kitchen alone. As I walk through the house I move as quietly as I can. When I reach the hallway that leads to the kitchen I hear voices talking. It sounds like they are arguing. I stop walking and stay back to listen.

"I'm not staying here to babysit," Louis argues.

"None of us have seen dad in awhile. We are all going." Harry says in a calming voice.

Dad? Who is their dad? They obviously don't have the same dad or do they?

"You are taking Lola over there?" Niall asks in disbelief. "Francesca was in bed all day yesterday. I can't take her there." Take me where? "I can't stay with her. Someone else has to."

"Why can't she stay here alone?" Zayn asks with exhaustion. "Its not like she can get out."

"I'm not doing that, especially after the club incident." Niall takes a deep breath. "I will just stay here and work. Keep my distance, but still be close."

"No, I will stay with her. I can go see dad whenever I want. Niall, you need to be there." Liam sounds like Harry. Calm and unbothered.

"No, dad wants us all there." Louis is upset and I don't understand why.

Niall starts arguing with Louis and one by one all the guys add their own opinion. From the yelling, it sounds like things are getting out of control. I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen. Harry notices me first and clears his throat. The room falls silent and every set of eyes are on me.

"Hey," I nervously clear my throat. I avoid eye contact with Niall out of fear. They over fighting over me, well about me. I shouldn't feel bad, but I do want them all to see their dad. "Where are we all going today?"

"It's a volunteer day at the boys home in a small town north of here." Louis quickly says before Niall can say a word.

"Cool. I could always do some volunteer work. What are we doing there?" I ask trying to ignore the tension in the kitchen.

"Hang out with the boys, clean, fix anything that is broken, and we usually buy a fun dinner," Zayn explains.

"You don't have to go." Niall says with a hint of concern.

"Yes she does. We all have to go. Lola and Eleanor will be there." Harry says with authority.

"We go once a month. I can skip one month." Niall, of course, argues.

"You are the only one who can't skip. Miss Jane will be hurt." Liam glances at me and then at Niall. "I will stay."

"I don't know what's going on, but stop. I can go to this volunteer thing. I am feeling much better. I had a hangover, that's it. It's not like I was drugged and kidnapped." I joke trying to lighten the mood, but they all just stare at me. "Too soon, got it. But seriously, I'm fine. I would love to go play with kids."

"Niall, come on. She is good to go." Harry nudges Niall with his elbow.

"Whatever, we leave at ten." Niall angrily leaves the kitchen and as he walks past me he raises his arm. I flinch expecting him to hit me from breaking the rules. Niall glares and mutters, "I wasn't going to fucking touch you."

I wait until he is gone before I say, "what is wrong with him?"

"You." Harry says as he sighs and leaves the kitchen.

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