Chapter Thirteen

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"How can someone so smart, be so dumb?" Liam yells as he forces me into his car. He slams my door and then stomps to the other side. Once in the car he starts criticizing me some more. "What were you thinking? Were you fucking thinking at all?" Liam hits the steering wheel. "Niall instructed me to kill anyone who was suspicious. Do I need to blow your precious Professor Dunham's brains out?"

"No." The thought of putting someone else in danger, because of my stupid actions makes me cry. "Please don't, Liam. I promise she doesn't suspect anything. I won't give her a reason to."

"Fuck, Francesca." Liam sighs deeply. "I can't lie to Niall. I have to tell him what happened, but I will do my best to convince him that everything is fine."

"I'm sorry." I start to sniffle.

I know what awaits me when we get back to the house and I am not looking forward to it. I'm sure Niall will be pissed and I will get hit multiple times. I was stupid for trying to tell someone. All of my attempts were stupid and all of them were expected. I'm not even worried that Niall will kill me. I know he won't. I will get be in pain and miserable.

"We have to stop at your flat," Liam angrily says. "You need to make an appearance."

We reach my flat in two minutes. We walk quietly and when we reach my door Liam pulls out a key. He unlocks my door and we walk in. I stare in surprise. Dozens of dying or already dead roses in vases are on every flat surface. Liam shuts the door loudly and I turn and look at him.

"What is this?" Who would have done this?

"Your ex-boyfriend." Liam shakes his head. "You should read the cards. Those piss Niall off more than the flowers."

I walk over to my countertop that has five different vases. I grab all of the cards and start reading.

I love you more than the earth loves the sun.

"Why does this make Niall mad? It doesn't make sense." I keep looking at the card.

"The earth revolves around the sun, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that." Liam sounds unsure, but he is right.

"You are right." I shrug my shoulders. "Its nothing to get your panties in a twist about though."

"Keep reading." Liam points to the other cards.

Please say you are still mine. Please tell me I haven't lost your love forever.

Frannie, my love for you will never end. Please don't let my shortcomings end this. I need you. I love you.

I roll my eyes. I hated being called Frannie.

My dearest Francesca, last night I dreamed about you, about us. I watched you writhed beneath me as I made you cum. I woke up calling out for you. Francesca, Francesca, Francesca. I need you.

"Ew." I set the cards down without reading the last one. "I don't want to read those anymore."

"Ready to go?" Liam asked while pleading with me.

"Can I burn these first?" As I ask Liam, I bust out laughing. "He never really had a way with words."

"I don't know. I thought writhed was pretty descriptive." Liam says while chuckling.

"He hasn't apologized," I state.

"Do you want him to?" Liam raises his eyebrows.

Yes. No. I don't know. At the end of the day Bryce will always be apart of my life. Our families are best friends. We took baths together as babies. I will have to get over this eventually. If I make it out of here alive that is.

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