Chapter Three

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I reach for the knife and in an instant this Irish creep wraps his arms around me and pulls me away from the knife. I start kicking my legs and fight to get my arms free. I open my mouth to let out the loudest scream I can muster, but a hand soon covers my mouth.

"Get the rope and tape." The Irish man says as he carries me to the living room.

Who is he talking to? As if I asked my question out loud four other men enter my living room. Two come from the hallway, one through the front door, and the other out from behind a curtain. If my lights had been on when I first came out here I could have called the cops. I would have stood a chance. This isn't even the scariest aspect to this intrusion. I recognize all of these men. The two who came down my hall I saw at the athletic store, the one that entered through my front door I sat with on the train, the one hiding behind the curtain is the one who sat next to me in class. My stomach drops at the fact that this was planned.

"Damn it, Louis. This was supposed to be easy. You almost blew it." The one with black hair from the athletic store says.

"I was curious!" I'm guessing Louis, also known as the other one from the athletic shop, says.

"You know what they say about curiosity." The tall one from the train says while raising his eyebrows.

"No, what do they say, Harry?" Louis asks.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in through my nose. I'm not getting out of this alive.

"What's wrong, Francesca?" The Irish one asks. "I will move my hand as long as you promise not to scream."

I stare into his eyes. He is challenging me, but I know this will only end one of two ways. One, I die, or two, I save myself. I can only do that by making them panic. None of them expect me to fight. Why would I? I have five grown men in my living room. This stupid man removes his hand. I take a deep breath and wait. All five of them staring at me. I open my mouth acting like I'm going to speak, but instead I push Irish man away from me and scream.

Unfortunately, these men move fast. I scream for maybe a second before the guy who sat by me in class has me in his arms with his hand over my mouth.

"With a snap of my fingers, Liam here will snap your neck." Irish man points at me. "Do you want that?"

I try to speak, but it comes out mumbled from Liam's hand being on my mouth. I hate how observant I am. I will never forget their faces, names, or this night.

I hear a gun cock and I look to my right. The tall guy, Harry, has a gun pointing at my head.

"Let her speak, Liam. I don't think she will try anything." Harry says as he slightly waves the gun at me.

Liam removes his hand and I say, "you are going to kill me anyways. Just get it over with."

"Why do you say that?" Irish walks overs to me. He stands in front of me. Blocking me from the gun. "Please explain your reasoning."

"You aren't hiding your identities." I swallow from nerves. "I'm sure you don't want me calling the cops once you leave. There's only one way to stop that from happening."

"Oooh Francesca. You are extremely bright, but I'm disappointed. Use those problem solving skills I know you have." Irish softly pushes some of my hair out of my face. We are too close for comfort. His breath is hitting my face. He leans into me so we are face to face. "You are forgetting one other outcome."

"And what's that?" It's an outcome I am not willing to let myself think. He has to say to it.

"You are coming with us." His eyes are dark with lust. No, it's more than that. He has bags under his dark blue eyes. He looks all consumed by something. I'm afraid that something is me. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You get to choose."

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