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Music and lights make a tsunami towards me. I rush of adrenaline explodes a smile across my face, I grab my best friend Evelyn's hand and pull her towards to the dance floor.

We're swaying our hips and bopping our heads to the beat. I take a minute to think how lucky and blessed I am, finally.

My mum was my Queen and when she passed away my castle broke down. What I needed was the right tools to build it back up again but my dad couldn't provide that for me, he thought that the best thing to do was to remove himself from my life. I ended up at my nans who shorted died on my 15th birthday, and there I was, again alone. Orphanage after orphanage, social worker after social worker. All these people trying there hardest to fix me but I wasn't trying to fix myself, so they gave up.
Then I met Evelyn, she was as broken as I was. It was refreshing having someone that didn't sugarcoat shit all the time. Eventually we built our castles, but this time we did it together. That's the ways it's been, from 17 year old broken girls to 21 year old strong ass women.

Evelyn's skin is naturally pale but she always manages to catch a tan, her hair is thick and black which swings down to her lower back, a small button nose, thick natural shaped eyebrows, dark brown narrow eyes and plump lips always covered in a layer of gloss.
I'm sometimes even jealous of her slim and athletic body that she maintains so perfectly. Tonight she decided to wear a black tight figure hugging dress that shows the imprint of her nipple piercing with a leather jacket and black thigh high boots. Stunning.

We're literally like Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan from Rush hour, she's short, asian and super talented in everything she does and I'm tall, black and love to believe that I'm great at everything and somehow we save each other's life.

Without her I wouldn't be where I am and I make sure to thank her everyday.

As I'm moving to the music Evelyn nudges me.
"Look at those guys behind you, they've been staring at us this whole time." She yells in my ear which is no help as I can barely hear her over the throbbing music.

I bust out laughing, "You really think so?" I question her, now trying to look over my shoulder at them without being to bait.

"Ria would I lie to you. I want the one on the right." She says biting her bottom lip.

"Ermm excuse you, I haven't got to see them yet. No dibs." I reply watching her eyes roll smiling at me.

"Okay okay, I have an idea. We're gonna spin around and start to dancing on one another giving me a better view of them and them a better show." I say strategically.

"Good plan, but make it sexy I want their full attention." She winks at me.

"Sexy is the only thing I know how to do." I take her hand as we spin around, grinding on one another facing their direction.
They're in a booth in the corner with half naked girls sitting around them but their eyes are directed at us. Scanning are every move.
One has shaggy dirty blonde hair, a nice big nose that I can definitely see myself sitting on, small but thick lips which are a nice shade of pink, beautifully structured face and he sits up right in the seat his broad shoulder taking up most the space, still staring at us with his lazy green eyes.
The other one has a black low afro of intricate coils and a little beard around his sharp jaw, he smiles showing just enough teeth, still having a strong impact of their blinding whiteness. His lips are nicely bow shaped and big, real kissable if you ask me, I travel to his marinated brown heavy lidded eyes and just stare. Between the two of them I can't decide which one I prefer but the I must say smiley can do a number on me.
Then I remember Evelyn called dibs on him first, don't hate the player hate the game.

"I'll take left." I yell into her ear.

"Oh I was just about to make moves on blondie." She says laughing.
"But how we gonna get there with all those girls around them?" She asks me.

"I don't know" I shrug looking over her head at the the, as I do the blonde one leans in and whispers to smiley who answers with a professional nod.
After, they swiftly get up and make their way towards us.
I look down to Evelyn trying to tell her that they are coming but of course she still chatting about a plan she's just made up.
I begin to fix my tight red jumpsuit and push up my boobs making sure there's no slipping happening. I fluff up my shoulder length black curls giving myself more volume and rub my already juicy lips together for the gloss to evenly spread.

"Aria are you even listening to me!" She yells.

"I am." A low and powerful voices replies to Evelyn but he smiles at me, as soon as she spins around it removes his attention to her.

"Hello beauty." I turn and shoot my head up in front of me to see dreamy green eyes looking down. He extends his pale veiny arm out for me to take. I give him my hand and he kisses it softly.
"I must say you look amazing, you shouldn't show all this off for free."  He smirks, his hand runs down my lower back following his eyes footprint on my body.



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