Part eight ༒

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"Does that answer your question"
" definitely.."

Y/n's pov:
Although the set was beautiful, it was fucking freezing.
Me and Lizzie made our way over to the set and got into place.


" Aurora, what are we going to do we can't just camp out here everyday. Yes I get you want to keep me safe but why? Why did you save me when all the others were trying to kill me?" Wanda spoke as she swayed over to her.
"Wanda you don't get it. I don't know what happened. I saw you and I knew you weren't bad. You wanted revenge. On tony. I get it. It once happened with me"
Aurora intwined her fingers with Wanda's before speaking once again.
" look wanda, I saw goodness throughout you. No negative. Even though you tried to kill my friends..
But hey look I saved you and ran off with you.."
" are we ever going to go back to them? Do you think they have pietro?" Wanda trembled.
" yes..we will have to go back. I could get in touch with Natasha and speak, but I don't really know if any of them will talk to me. If it's any it will be Natasha"

"Alright.. that was good nothing to hard" the director joked.
" Is the next seen going to be focused on me texting Natasha with Wanda or separate..?
" I think we said with Wanda.. and then you guys make the decision to go to the others and so on"


Nat :)

Natasha, its Aurora . I don't know whether you
are going to reply but do you have
information on Wanda brother pietro?

Yes we do. But for starters, where the hell are you?

That's not important right now nat. Is he in good hands and being looked after like a human should ?

Tony locked him up, but we tried talking to him. He said he wouldn't say anything until his sister was there and alive.

Well I don't care. You need to treat him properly. Tell him his sister is alive and we are on our way .

On it :)

Wanda wrapped her arms around Aurora.
" look at me. It's going to be okay. He's alive and well alive. I'm going to help you always. You know that Wanda"

" i just can't lose him Aurora. He's the only person that loves me. I've only got him left"
She walked over to the chair and sat down with her head in her hands.

" Wanda.. you do know that you've got me but what you don't know is that I love you. Everything. Negative and positive. Your a human. Like me. You deserve better"
She closed her eyes before leaning into Aurora.
Her lips brushed against hers before parting.
" I love you too" Wanda whispered.
They both smiled against each others lips before they moulded together..


" ok cut! Amazing ladies! That's a break for now the next set will be at 2am"

You took your hand in Lizzies and made you way back to the seating area.

" you want to get something to eat?" Lizzie spoke as you both walked into the room.

" later, right now I want to cuddle and watch Netflix while we wait for the others."

She nodded and sat down while you came over and cuddled into her arms.

" I love you" you mumbled into her clothing.

" what? Y/n Johnson did you just say what I think you said" Lizzie smiled.

" maybe"

" well, I love you too" she said while she lifted your head up and kissed you.

" the others could come in at any second" you laughed.

" and we are going to have to explain to them huh" Lizzie smiled before cuddling into you once again.


About 20 minutes later the others came in.

You and Lizzie were all cuddled up on the couch watching oceans 8.

" Lou is hot you gotta admit Lizzie" you laughed.

" true"

" oh hey.." you said to the others.

Scarlett came and sat on the other side of the couch as you and Lizzie were laying down.

" I brought you two meals, I don't know if your hungry or"

" you fucking legend" you cut Scarlett off taking the meals out of her hand.

"Thankyou Scarlett" Lizzie smiled.

"Be quiet Lou is here" you said not taking you eyes off the screen.

" she's a bit obsessed" Lizzie laughed.

" a bit?!" Scarlett chuckled shaking her head.

" rewind it real quick I needa see that look again" you say practically smirking at the screen.

" god y/n. You like her more than lizzie" rdj spoke from the other side of the room.

" that's such a lie.. I'm not even that obsessed"

" okay then. How many times have you watched this"

" only 36 times" you said continuing to watch the film

They all just laughed and rdj reached for the remote and turned on what he wanted on.

" what the hell! The best part was coming up. They were about to steal the fucking necklace" you shouted trying to get up to grab the remote back. However lizzie had other plans and wrapped her arms around your waist stopping you.

" I'm going to get sleep in my trailer" you said walking off.

" she's not she's going to watch It in there" Lizzie said getting up and following her.

" are they together?" Rdj asked flipping through the suggestions.

" I have no idea" Scarlett shrugged.

" I'm gonna go get evans and spy on them"

" what no! They deserve privacy plus you could end up seeing anything. If you know what I mean.." Scarlett laughed.

" both true but fine we won't" Rdj smirked before walking out the room leaving Scarlett alone.

" he's gonna do it"

This is quite long and now my fingers hurt of typing if that's a thing LMAO anyways I'm not well so it's a bit bad-

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