Part 23

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Y/n's pov:

The hotel room was silent. All I could hear was the faint little snores of Lizzie next to me. She had her arm wrapped firmly around my waist, her head nuzzled into my neck. Her mouth was parted, hair fell loosely over her shoulders. She was a work of art. Even when she's sleeping.
I got lucky ending up with the beautiful women beside me, to lucky. For me at least, I always felt like she deserved more. More than me?
It was very quick how we met. It was just all chucked in at once. Sometimes I wish I took it slower. But im
Glad going fast led us to here. But yeah. Sometimes I do wish I could've took it a bit steadier and slower, because every time I've went fast and just pushed myself into the relationship farther than I should've in the matter of days, it ended. I don't want this one to end. Honestly it was a bit rocky at the start. But a year and 3 months later I'm still sat in bed next to the girl of my dreams. The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. The girl I want to marry.
Man I haven't even engaged yet. But I knew from the rocky start that this was the right choice. She doesn't care if I'm not the person I want or try to be. She loves me for me. And I love her for her.

I felt my eyes watering up.
I tucked the hair falling in her face behind her ear, kissing her temple softly. I removed myself from under her softly. Her breathing stifled a bit at the sudden loss of my body, but soon softened as she drifted back off into a deep sleep. I put the duvet back over her, keeping her warm again.
I pulled some sweatpants on, and a sweatshirt over my body. I gently took my coat of the rack, wrapping it around me before adding Lizzies scarf around my neck, keeping her scent with me.
I put the letter on the bedside table, before making my way out the door and locking it behind me.

The streets of England were freezing though out the night. Stars fled the whole sky above me as I walked to the car  across the road. She flashed the lights at me.
" I knew you were there you idiot." I chuckled, the car heating warming up my body as soon as I got in.
" I know, just wanted to make sure. Anyways, is there anywhere specific you'd like to go y/n"
" just take a left as soon as you get to the end of this road, you know that really expensive jewellery store. The one where grandad got grandma her wedding ring?"
I hoped it was still open. I wanted this ring to be the best for Lizzie. A one to remember. A one where she always looks down at her finger remembering our days from the past.
Alicia smirked, raising an eyebrow.
" this chick really means a lot to you huh"
" yes, more then a lot." I smiled like an idiot at the thought of it.

We drove through the streets of london, lights shining the road up from the lampposts, the tall buildings on either sides of us as take a left.
Alicia parks the car up outside of this little jewellery store. We step out and the cold meets our bodies once again.
" I better be able to come to this wedding of yours or we will be having consequences y/n" Alicia looked at me as if she was gonna kill me if she said no.
" well I need to see if she says yes first" I laughed nervously.
" y/n? You've got to be serious of course she's gonna say yes. I think"
" you think? That makes me feel so much better thanks"
" no problemo you dibshit ." She chuckled.
" the names never disappeared I see, well It doesn't bother me you fuckface."
We both laughed as we entered this very well set up store. The lights shun off all of these different pieces of jewellery making the store light up even more.
Workers walked around the area, there was 3 more people in sight, an average height blonde. A tall brunette man and another women, brunette walking with the blonde. Me and Alicia walked around the front where the rings were.
There was all different sizes of these beautiful rings. We made our way to the end where the two girls were looking. The glass was doubled in size and I could see why. A diamond ring sit in the middle of all the others, it had parts where it swirled around the finger. It was beautiful. Perfect for Lizzie.
The blonde pointed to it " thats the diamond extraordinaire, it kinda sounds like a perfume name, it's supposedly new. I think they said it was 35000." She sighed at the price
" I mean it suits the name it's beautiful, no wonder it's so much. Thankyou um"
" Florence, Florence Pugh. And this is Hailee." She cuts me off putting her hand out towards the brunette next to her.
" well Thankyou Florence.. it's nice to meet you, I'm y/n." I smiled.
" no no it's fine. And it's nice to meet you too. Also age of ultron was great. Your acting is amazing." Florence smiled genuinely caring about my life.
" Thankyou, again." I laughed.
" do you um want anything like, autograph, a photo or?" I questioned nervously.
" nah it's fine. I'm not here for the fame or whatever, I'm not about that I just figured you could use to help since they haven't put the name tag up or price." She spoke.
I smiled, I didn't usually have this appearance from fans. "Well that's nice of you florence, truly, Thankyou."
" no problem, Im only here for about 3-5 months filming, so I'm trying to do my best around here"
She's an actress.
" I know you can't tell me what your filming but I'll be sure it watch it when it comes out"
" Thankyou, Well it's been nice meeting you but I really have to go my sister wants me back at a certain time." She smiled.
" no no it's okay, you go, have a good rest of your night"
" you too" she shouted heading out the door.

" you always make friends I swear to god. I can't tell if your just to nice or just have it about you I don't know." Alicia scoffed.
" well anyways. Are you getting this one or?"
" yes, yes. It's perfect. I don't care how much it is. I want Lizzie to have the perfect ring. She deserves it."

In the end I ended up getting that ring. And turns out I did care how much it was because my jaw dropped when it was 50,500. But like I said she deserves it. I know she wouldn't care, she would be happy with a paper ring and would still approve of it, but still.

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