"We're cursed?!"

Scar, who was Xisuma's royal magical advisor, only nodded calmly. He flipped through an old book with one hand, while the other held a long staff with a purple crystal at the end. Wels impatiently tapped his foot against the ground, narrowing his eyes as he waited for an explanation.

"I'm afraid so. And by the looks of the magic that's flowing through the both of you, this witch knew what she was doing. I'm guessing she could have been over a hundred years old."

"Okay, okay. There's gotta be some way to fix this, right?" The king asked, though Scar shook his head sadly.

"Only the witch can remove the curse, this magic is too advanced for me to untangle."

"Well, what's going to happen to us?" The head guard snapped the question, much colder than normal.

The wizard stepped forward, inspecting Xisuma's appearance with a frown. "This is the beginning of the curse." Scar said, pulling a strip of the king's long hair away from the rest of his ponytail. "Since it's already begun, there isn't much I can do. The transformation should only get faster and faster as your resistance weakens."

The tips of his hair was turning from a shade of chestnut brown into a snowy white, with the color seeming to spread. "Wha—...? Why is my hair changing?"

"That curse is slowly going to remove the kindness from your heart, leaving nothing but cruelty and anger. By the end of this, you will be completely erased, while another, darker part of you takes hold."

"How long do we have?"

"I'm not sure. The curse should progress faster if you let your anger take hold, so try and relax while the guards search for that witch. Maybe we can fix this before it's too late."

"Oh sure, we'll just try and relax while all the goodness in our hearts disappears and we're practically erased as the evil in us takes control. How calming." Wels sneered while crossing his arms, while the ends of his hair slowly shifted into a darker hue.

The king placed a hand on his knight's shoulder. "Just breathe, Wels. False is going to find that witch, and we'll be okay.."

"Right. Yeah." He sighed, though the guard wasn't optimistic.

"Just think positive. Try and steer away from negativity and anger, that will only further progress the transformation."

Xisuma placed a hand on the side of his head, slightly tugging at his knotted hair. "I think I need to lie down.." he muttered, lightheaded and dizzy.

"That would be best," Scar suggested. "you too, Wels."

"I'd rather hunt down that witch myself, since False can't seem to do anything right." Wels said, though he muttered the last part underneath his breath.

"Come on. Just trust her." The king said, sitting down on the edge of his bed as the room slightly spun.

Scoffing underneath his breath, the knight rolled his eyes. "Sure," Wels said, leaving Xisuma's bedroom without a second word.

Scar watched as he stormed off, turning back to the ruler. "I'll go and make sure he calms down." He said, leaving Xisuma alone in the silence of his bedroom.

He didn't notice that the wizard had left, the king much too distracted by his aching head. It felt like his head was ripping apart, Xisuma could barely think.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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