Swapped- 1

459 20 8

Word count: 1551 words
Trigger warnings: none


Xisuma hummed to himself, the admin's eyelids slowly beginning to fall as the moon gleamed in the sky above him. It was a quiet night, and the Brit was relieved that his long day of work was about to end. The man in purple armor let a yawn slip from between his lips, it was late at night, no one else on the server was awake. X was used to sleepless nights of work, but he was so close to finishing debugging the server, meaning he could get a few moments of rest before the next day of work began.

     "My word.." he yawned as he spoke, X seated on the hillside of his honey shop. A bright purple screen was in front of him, all the player files and game code right before his tired eyes. The Brit chuckled with a tired voice as he stood up, stretching a bit. "I don't think I've ever been this tired before. Maybe I should take a few days off of work."

     Xisuma sat back down, cracking his knuckles as he got back to typing away at his screen. The code was beginning to turn sloppy as he wrote, the admin much too tired to correct the errors in his work. His eyelids began to fall heavy as he finished typing, X letting out a content sigh. "Finally I can get some rest." He mumbled quietly, taking one final scroll through the lists of players on the server, making sure everything was in order.

     "Hm..?" Xisuma's interest peaked as he spotted a spot of glitching text, the red glow of the code catching his eye. The admin reached out to touch the purple screen, red sparks shooting out from the screen and blasting him backwards.

     "Ugh.." he groaned while rubbing the side of his helmet, the admin glancing towards the floating screen that began to glitch. The purple screen began to change color, the corrupted red code spreading through the player files, transforming the purple lines of code into a corrupted string of jumbled words and letters.

     "N-no!" Xisuma said as he tried to reach for the screen, attempting to stop the glitching screen that continued to alter the players code. The screen continued to malfunction, and before Xisuma could stop it, the device exploded, sending a wave of energy that knocked the admin off his feet, the shockwave blasting through the server.

Xisuma could feel his mind changing, everything in his code was shifting and transforming into something entirely new. The pain was excruciating, the admin screaming out as he fell to his knees, his thoughts and mind beginning to fail him.

The admin shut his eyes, drowsiness taking over his mind, Xisuma unable to resist as his code was entirely destroyed before being rebuilt all over again.

     Little did he know that he wasn't the only one being changed.

[ How much longer, Ex? ] A robotic voice complained to another, the man wearing red and grey armor groaning at the NPC's constant questioning. He set down a shulkerbox while wiping the sweat from his brow, the evil hermit's helmet was resting on NPG's lap. Ex didn't hide his face too often, he wasn't as scared or anxious as his brother was.

"I haven't made much progress from when you asked five minutes ago." He snapped harshly, the evil hermit working on the interior of a small rustic house that the two would share. NPG built the outside, but he wasn't programmed to build interiors, so Ex took over the construction of their new home.

Ex grumbled to himself while he rummaged through an old chest, searching for a few spare bits of food. Unlike the hermits, he and NPG didn't have very much, the two hiding a safe distance away from the other players. The admin's brother looked up from the chest, spotting the robotic copy of Grian putting on his helmet. He scoffed as he stood up, Ex walking over and carelessly ripping the helmet off the robot.

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