Chapter-1 Yours, Ziva

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8:00 AM,

Paradise Mansion....

It was a plush building. Nice mowed lawns, giant trees, green garden.

The mansion was an attraction for people who tended to pass through it. The villa was eloquent in its style and was magnificent in its etiquette.
The house looked so peaceful as it embraced the shining sun rays around its curves and edges, making it shine like a diamond. The bright orange-yellow hue in the background, contrasting with the villa, just increased its beauty infinitely.

But the silence was just only for a few minutes since the princess of that mansion was quite loud.

"PAPA, wake up."

"Hmmmmm," Mahi chipped in his sleep.





There was competition going on between those two of who likely said it louder, and the baby did had a upper hand.

"Papa, please wake up--"Ziva cooed in a baby tone, urging her father earnestly to get up.

"Hmmmmm, two minutes, baby please!"

"I ain't your baby, and Mahi wake up now, it's freaking 8 AM, and I have loads of work rather than waking you up--"Ziva said, taking up Mahi's mother role.

"Just two minutes, baby, please," Mahi moaned in despair as his beauty sleep was getting disturbed, circling his hands around his daughter.

"Mahhhhhhhhhhiiiiiii," Ziva shouted on top of her lungs, almost piercing Mahi's eardrum.

Mahi was startled by the loud voice and woke up with a jerk. He looked around cluelessly to find his adorable five-year-old pulling on a cute angry face.
Well, truth be said, more like Mahi's five-year-old mother.

"Ziva, kiddo, you sacred the shi--"

"Papa, how can you say that in front of a five-year-old kid?" Ziva said, closing her ears, feigning a cute act.

"Seriously, A five-year-old? And how does the five-year-old knows what that word means...."Mahi said, picking her up and placing her on his lap, making her comfortable. He awed at her cuteness, which had him melted in seconds.

"I know everything, Mahiiiiii," Ziva said with a teasing smile, stretching her father's name.

"Ziva call me, dad not mahi; I am your father, not your friend..."Mahi said, pulling her daughter's leg.

"Mahi call me zivu or ziva, not baby. I ain't your baby," Ziva said, giving back to her father. She had replies ready at the tip of her tongue to all of his answers, just like her father to every question pertaining in this world.

"Babbbyy," Mahi said teasingly and in-process, squished her like a ball...

"Mahiiiii," said Ziva being no less than her father, cawled in retaliation.

"Okay, you win, now leave it and tell me what loads of work do you have other than pulling off pranks on people?" Mahi asked suspiciously, knowing his daughter's pranking brain .....

"That's a surprise; I ain't gonna tell you anything; I can just say that my surprise is just a request..."

"But--- Fine, don't, but is there someone who knows about it?..."Mahi questioned, gazing at Ziva's pleading face as she knew if her father asked her about it one more time, she would blurt it out, like a parrot.

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