Run Techno

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In the lively streets of Manburg 2 lovers walked hand in hand.The wind howled against the various buildings as the 2 continued their journey to the White House.Anxious looks were exchanged between the two leaving a awkward silence.They finally stopped their journey infront of the pearly White House and the lover looked at each other nervously.

Dream's POV:

"Are you sure your dad will be okay with our relationship?"Techno asked,holding my hand tightly.

"I'm sure he will be fine with,"I replied,squeezing his hand reassuringly.

I let go of his hand and headed towards the entrance of the White House.I walked into a spacious lobby and walked towards the reception.

"Hey Quackity,Is Schlatt busy?"I asked politely.

"Uh Yeah but you only have 15 minutes,I go on break soon so make it choppy,"Quackity said smiling.

He pointed to a set of stairs leading to the various stories.

"He's on the 3rd floor in room 8,"He mumbled.

I nodded in response then walked to the staircase and started to ascend up them to the 3rd floor I thought.When I finally reached the 3rd floor and I was looking at the various signs near each door labelling what's in each room.The 8th room here I come.

Jschlatt's POV:

This meeting is boring as fuck  it's always the people want you dead and it's never your doing such a great job mr president.I signed heavily and took a sip of water as I looked at the variety of people in the room with me.

Geez this is such a snooze fest,no entertainment at all.I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Toby and his annoying antics.I looked around the room and spotted the other leaders talking shit about me,Great can they at least wait until the end of the meeting.My ear suddenly twitched someone is in he hallway;hold on I recognise those footsteps.Dream is here ,yes,I finally have something to do.I walked to the door opening it so quickly and quietly so I could leave without any suspicious on me.I looked the down the hallway to see my son with a smile happily stretched across his face.I ran towards my son.

Dream's POV:

Room 5,6,7.I kept looking at the signs and noticed loud footsteps coming towards me.I was pulled into a tight hug then I glanced up and saw Schlatt ,my father.

"Hey dad,how are you?"I asked,still holding on to him.

"Great,How about you?"He replied,with a grin on his face with his tail wagging ferociously.

"Good,anyways I need to talk about something with you,"I mumbled.

He let go of me and grabbed my shoulders tightly with a protective hint.Oh god please don't be the your to young to have relationships talk.

"Dad you know I'm gay and all,"I said.

He continued to stare into my eyes and he finally came up with a answer.

"Yes so I support you no matter what,"he replied,trying to reassure me with his sinister smile.

"Well I-I err,"I stuttered,he hates it when I stutter.

"Well spit it out boy,"He shouted.

"Well I'm dating someone,"I shouted applying the same energy back.

I pulled my hands over my mouth;I shouldn't of blurted that out he's gonna kill me.

Silence surrounded us as his grip on my shoulder loosened.

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