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They giggled as they played amongst the powder coloured snow whilst a ravenous beast was in pursuit.It's jaws seperated leaving a ear-piercing growl escape its bone crushing teeth.The small being raced around the cold landscape clutching onto a miniature book labelled 'Do not read'.The beast was about to pounce on the small thing before the child hid behind his fathers leg still grinning.

Techno glanced down at his left leg to see his beloved Oreo son then at his favourite beast conveniently named 'Steve'.Not a very intimidating name for a camouflaged bear but never mind that.Ranboo smiled at his father before chasing the polar bear into the heated cabin owned by Techno and his 'wife'.Techno followed the endermans lead and walked into the cabin to notice cheerful music spread across the home.Techno wore a happy grin on his face as he entered the kitchen catching a lingered whiff of golden pancakes with syrup dribbled on top.He wrapped his arms around his lovers waist and rested his head gently on his shoulder.

"Hey love,"He whispered in his ear.

"Hey Tech,can you set the table I need to dish up the food,"Dream asked.

"Sure,"Techno says letting go of his waist.

Techno placed placemats on the table with cutlery before returning to the kitchen grabbing drinks.He put them on the table and sat in his assigned seat.His husband came into the room with 3 plates in hand.

"Ranboo, Time for brunch,"Dream shouted.

A low pitched 'coming' could be heard from the living room.Ranboo jogged into the room holding his small book.
*After brunch I'm too lazy to say they are eating-
Dream collected the brunch and returned to the kitchen to do the dishes.

"Hun,are you sure you don't want me to do the dishes,"Techno said.

"No it's fine,"Dream mumbled.

Techno glanced at Ranboos empty seat before realising Ranboo left the table.Oh he must of left to go play outside techno thought.He stood up and headed outside to look for Ranboo.

Ranboo ran around once more looking for something.
"Boo are you okay,"Techno said.

"Yeah I don't know what I'm looking for again,"Ranboo replied glancing down at his hands.

"Oh there it is,"Ranboo mumbled looking at his memory book.

Techno chuckled before entering the house once more before everything went black.

Technos pov:

My eyes flickered open as I noticed someone else in the room.A man in a light blue kimono with combat boots;Phil?.Wait where am I.I glanced around the room to see unknown furniture.

"Phil what's going on where's Dream and Ranboo?"I yelled.

Phil turned around and approached the bedding before muttering something else:

"Who's Dream and Ranboo there's no one named that ?"

My heart dropped at his reply.Am I going crazy or something and why is philza dressed in blue he barely wears blue.He only wears it on special occasions.I observed my clothing,it's the exact same as Philza's.

"Phil where are we?"I shouted

"Mate we're in our empire do you have amnesia or something,"Phil chuckled.

All of a sudden the doors were burst open with a child running in.

"Hey Bitchboy you passed out half way through training,"Tommy said with a tint of annoyance in his voice.

Huh why the heck is Tommy here didn't he betray us.Since when did we have a empire we're anarchists.Thoughts circled my mind before another person entered the room;Wilbur.He was sweaty and panting heavily.

"Tommy don't run off like that again,"Wilbur huffed before smacking the back of Tommy's head receiving a bunch of cuss words from Tommy.

Rapidly,I got out of bed before sprinting out of the room searching for a exit.I heard yells from the rest of sbi but  I don't care I need to get out of here.I raced in the halls of what seemed like a endless labyrinth before running out of a exit.

"What the actual fuck,"i muttered.

A huge icy biome stood tall infront of me.Where ever I was this wasn't home.

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