Ash fist bumped Guzman. "It's great to have you all here, especially you. You have become an awesome trainer and great friend to us all. You have come such a long ways and it makes us all proud. You are one of Alola's pride and joys." Ash said.

This caused Guzma to turn beet red. "Come on now Ash, I'm not that important or awesome. I'm just thankful that you gave me a chance."

Serena smiled as she heard this, knowing she would never expect anything else from her man. He was always wanting see the best in others and most times, he found it.

"So champ, ready for tomorrow?" Acerola asked with a grin.

"I think so, it's kinda weird being in the finals of a league I have battled in previously." Ash stated. "I know Alain, he is going to be a strong competitor and won't go down easily."

Serena walked up to him from behind and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek. "I'm confident you can beat him this time." She said. "Besides, if you don't, we can't travel together remember? Mom's rule." Serena said the last part with a pout.

This brought laughter from everyone including Grace and Delia. Conversation turned to light topics as they all sat and ate breakfast. The main topic from the mothers was how the date went and they were grilling Ash and Serena mercilessly.

As the group finished up, they put their treys on the rack to be cleaned and started making their way out of the centre. As they reached the doorway, they noticed someone standing outside, seemingly waiting for them. His presence there caused Kiawe, Gladion, Kukui, and Guzma to step forward, taking a protective stance between him and Serena.

Ash walked forward and looked at the trainer. He looked worried and much less like he did the last few times Ash had dealt with him.

"What do you want Calem?" Gladion asked, pulling several pokéballs from his belt.

Calem noticed the others also had several of their pokéballs in their hands, waiting to see how things turned out.

Calem gulped slightly, fidgeting with his hands. "Umm...I...I was wondering if...if I could...speak with Mr. Ketchum....and also apologize to everyone...especially to Serena..." he said quietly.

Serena and Ash stepped forward, keeping their wits about them. Serena had a good hold on Ash's hand, and she was glancing at him with uncertainty.

Ash and Serena stopped a few feet away from Calem. "Ok Calem, what do you want to say?" Ash asked, looking a little unimpressed.

"S...Serena...I'm..." Calem was stuttering so much he could barely talk. He took a deep breath and composed himself. "Serena, I just wanted to apologize for all the times I bothered you, for all the times I didn't listen or take a hint from you."

"We used to be friends and then I went and drove you away because of my behaviour. I won't ask for forgiveness, I don't deserve that." Calem said quietly, looking down at his feet. "I have turned into such a despicable person. I never thought about anyone other than myself."

Calem looked up and looked at everyone else. "I'm sorry to you all. For causing such a horrible scene at my battle with Ash."

Calem now turned to look at Ash, who had been reading Calem's Aura, gauging how much was sincere and how much was a sham. To his surprise, Ash found Calem to be honest in what he was saying.

"Ash...I was hoping we could speak away from your group for a little." Calem stated slowly.

Gladion and Guzma looked ready to toss their pokéballs as they were not impressed at this part. Calem held his hands up. "I don't mean where you can't keep an eye on us! I only meant just on the other side of the plaza, near the battle field...please Ash?"

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