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To be continued as a novel in the near future. I have a few words to say about talking to Jesus and how most people don't believe in God even today. I have selected a small YouTube video from one of my favorite movies with Anne Hathaway. I'm kidding. It's a scene from Beauty and the Beast. They are doing Pinocchio as a live action movie. I wanted to post the video on my Wattpad account exclusively just in case other people didn't see the news on Facebook. Thanks guys. Enjoy my little tiny speech I made spontaneously. I was thinking and this thought was produced randomly. Enjoy. Have some chocolate chunk cookies and love one another. I wanted to take college classes and get a creative writing degree for my stories on Wattpad.
What does the name Jesus mean to you? Nobody knows who God really is but we can always guess the outcome. He must mean something great and victorious, right? Otherwise He wouldn't be Jesus to you or I. I think loving God means stopping another person in their tracks from hurting someone else and standing up for what you believe in. If you see something wrong happening around you then you should definitely do something to stop it from occurring. The person I protected had special needs. But he also had something that made life a little more difficult for him. I saw other people pushing him around and making fun of him. We're all born very differently. And that's what makes us who we are with real feelings and quirks and hurt and pain and insecurities and hopes and dreams and prayers. Speak to Him and He will listen with all His heart. I have witnessed his forgiveness. It was just a feeling. But it was powerful. And something I haven't ruled out as fantasy or imagination. He was present in my life for a short period of time. And I still think that was magical. I will never lose that feeling of forgiveness and love of a Father who knows your deepest thoughts and feelings. He forgave me. And I will forever remember it as something extraordinary happening. I don't know if God is real. And I'm not saying He is. But you cannot imagine something so strong as a spirit who loves and protects you from harm of any kind. It was as if I was being wrapped in a blanket of warmth by some invisible force. I couldn't explain it. But it was the greatest experience of unconditional purpose to ever occur in my life. It genuinely felt a little like being dipped in magnificent colored rubies that were liquidized or an assortment of precious gems by something you could only dream of and: Pray. Pray. Pray. I believe in the goodness of people and humanity. I believe in the Lord and how much he knows me. I believe in love and caring about others. I believe in salvation and change and beauty and beautiful hearts. I believe in the Earth and creation. Sabrina Carpenter has received death threats and is actually a really REALLY sweet girl. Sabrina Carpenter doesn't deserve the death threats. It's actually quite ridiculous and immature behavior being displayed. It's really sad. This is a scene from GoodWill Hunting with Matt Damon. Robin Williams is also in this movie. I love this movie scene. Matt Damon wrote most of the movie and then starred in it with Robin Williams. Matt Damon and Robin Williams became really good friends after Matt Damon wrote the movie. I didn't know Matt Damon had written the movie by himself. It is really good, though. Matt Damon and Robin Williams later formed a friendship. This is a scene when Matt Damon's character is talking to a therapist about being abused by his father figure in the movie. It's a really sad scene but well-written. This is a scene between a therapist and a client. The character was abused by his father. He had to get therapy because of the extreme abuse inflicted upon him. Sabrina Carpenter is a professional singer. Sabrina Carpenter started off being a Disney Channel actress. Sabrina Carpenter is a very well-known singer, actress, and comedian. Sabrina Carpenter is talented. This scene is from one of my favorite movies with Robin Williams. It has Matt Damon in it who wrote the script for the movie. Matt Damon is an actor. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆