"We have work to do."


It's bright. That's the first thing Jinsol notices as she wakes up from a nap she didn't remember taking. She soon realizes that she isn't in her house. She's barefoot, clad in a flowing white dress. She can feel plush grass underneath her feet.

"Where am I?" She asks quietly to herself, or maybe to the open air. She walks around, taking in her surroundings. This wide, lush field stretches for miles, no end in sight. The sky is nearly cloudless, sun shining through the few that run through it. Jinsol feels like she's stuck in a renaissance painting. As she walks through the field, she absentmindedly puts a hand to her chest and panics soon after. Her cross isn't there. Wait, that's right. It broke. Haseul helped her out of the bathroom after she had... a moment. All because of- no, she can't worry about her right now. She needs to worry about how to get home.

After minutes of fruitless walking, Jinsol starts to get frustrated. Doing what she usually does when she's frustrated, she sinks to her knees, eyes closed and hands coming together to pray.

"God, I'm not quite sure where you have sent me. This must be a test, and I swear I'll follow it faithfully. I ask that you give me a sign, please lead me to what you want to show me, that's all I ask-" Jinsol interrupts her prayer as she opens her eyes, a sudden flood of light startling her. A beam of light emerged from the heavens, shining down onto the grass in front of her. Jinsol looks up.

Then, she gasps. There, before her, she sees an angel flying down. That angel is none other than Kim Jungeun.

Beautiful feathered white wings spawn from her back, just like how Jinsol pictured them to appear. Jungeun is glad in a pristine flowing white robe, mirroring Jinsol's dress. There's a hazy glow around her, signifying her otherworldliness. As Jungeun comes closer, Jinsol notices a detail that makes her heart race. Her own cross necklace adorns Jungeun's neck, undamaged and shining brilliantly. Jungeun lands softly, smiling down at Jinsol with her hand offered up for the older girl to take.

"Take my hand, Jinsol." Jinsol feels like she can't move. She's trembling. This isn't real, it definitely isn't. But... is this her prayer being answered? It feels too perfect, this dreamy, fantastical world and an even dreamier Kim Jungeun in front of her. So, she's an angel. Of course. Jungeun's previous wrongdoings and acts of rebellion were but an act, a test of Jinsol's own will. To prove that she'll stand firm in her belief. She would not have asked nor expected God for a reward, but it seems that he presented her with one. Jungeun is ethereal, more than usual. It brings tears to Jinsol's eyes. Her arm trembles as she raises it to meet Jungeun's. The angel's hand is impossibly soft, though her grip is firm as she pulls Jinsol up off of the ground.

They then stand face to face. Jungeun's eyes are so full of warmth, so full of love. Jinsol feels tears rolling down her cheeks as she's lost in Jungeun's gaze. The angel brings a hand to Jinsol's face, gently wiping away her tears. "Don't cry, Jinsol. It's alright." The angel coos. Jinsol melts under Jungeun's touch, overcome with emotion. Jungeun's hand caresses Jinsol's face. "Just remember- you don't have to be ashamed." That's the last thing the angel says as she leans in closer.

Jinsol feels a blazing, unfathomable, absolutely divine warmth exploding onto her lips.


Chaewon is used to hearing a bunch of different things coming from her older sister. She's heard Jinsol rambling on and on when she prays alone, she's heard Jinsol singing to herself at three am when she's trying to sleep, she's heard Jinsol talk to her stuffed animals as if they're her children.

But unholy screeching right after a nap is a new, very unpleasant sound.

"What the fuck are you screaming for?" Chaewon shouts at her sister as she comes stomping down the stairs to find Jinsol sitting up straight on the couch, touching her lips as though something's wrong with them. She ignores Chaewon's cursing for once as she starts rambling.

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