Part 2 :)

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It was half past lunch time, yet Sidharth didn't have his lunch. He got a phone call on his office number and picked it up while still typing away an email.

Sid- Hello, this is Sidharth Singhaniya, the CEO of Verozi Fashions.

It was none other than his mother who phoned him to make sure he had his lunch and not knowing he got scolded by her.

Sid- Sorry, mom. (he chuckled) I was anyways about to have my lunch right now. (before she would hang up) Mom, Jay and Kushal would be coming home with me today. (after a pause) Yea, you wanted to meet them, and they're coming. (rolling his eyes) Of course, your two apple pies. Who am I to you anyways. (he fake cried and then chuckled) Ok bye. Love you, mom.

He took his lunch out of his lunch bag. He got a letter with the lunch box. It was a cute drawing by Anya who drew her and him. She wrote down to get her favourite chocolate ice cream with a smiley face. He chuckled and made sure to not forget about it.


Sana- Mom, how much more do we shop for? There are stores in Mumbai, I can buy stuff and clothes from there when needed. (she looks annoyed)

P- Please Sana. I want to do this much for you. And here the rates are much cheaper compared to Mumbai. Why will you simply waste your hard earned money. (points towards some tops) Look, there are such beautiful tops for you to wear there. (she put some tops in the basket for her to wear)

Sana- (rolled her eyes) Alright mom.

Both of them come out of the mall after 2 hours of shopping. They shopped for all types of clothes like comfy wear, night wear, formals, suits, traditional and western. They shopped for essentials as well.

Sana- Mom, let's go to the food court. I'm hungry. (she pouted)

Both of them headed out to the food court and went to KFC to have their favourites. Her mom got a phone call from her father after half an hour.

P- Sana, your father has come to pick us up. He's waiting downstairs.

Shehnaaz carried almost all the heavy bags and asked her mother to carry the light ones. Both of them headed to the car. It was almost the time for sunset. Shehnaaz looked outside the car and smiled seeing how pretty everything looked. Soon they reached the house.

On entering, she saw Shehbaz sitting in the room and he was about to fall asleep.

Sana- Shehbazzzz, guess what?!

Baaz- (with excitement) Omg Shehnaaz, you're back. (he hugged her) I got to know that you got selected to give your interview at Verozi. (with excitement) Gosh, I'm so happy for you that your dream is this close to getting fulfilled.

Sana- I know right.

Baaz- So, when are you going?

Sana- (bites her lower lip) Tomorrow afternoon at 12:00. Flight to Mumbai is at 2:00.

Shehnaaz could see how her brother got emotional listening to her departure. He hid it and put on a happy face for her.

Sana- You'll miss me no?

Baaz- Who? You? (he chuckled) No ways. Why will I miss you? (he pokes his tongue out)

Sana- Means, you'll not miss me?

Baaz- (chuckles) Nahi.

Sana- Oh please. You're gonna miss me, I know. (she hair flips and goes to her room)


Kushal- Sid, where are we going? This is not the route to Jay's house.

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