Realizations, Forgiveness, and Moving Forward (Part 3)

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***Meanwhile, at the Holy Palatial Gardens***


Maddie stared blankly at the white ceiling of her room the moment she opened her eyes. It's been a while since she woke up on her own. When Lily was there, she would rouse her up, prepare her wardrobe for the occasion, and would always make sure that her breakfast was sent to her quarters in time.


But well, as long as her friend was missing, Maddie had to make do with the current situation. There were still the maids other than Lily who were faithfully serving her, though, without the head, their direction was a bit off. Not that they could help it; it's the consequence of what happened.

Maddie requested her remaining servants to let her do some things on her own from now on. She couldn't rely on her friends forever; she had to be up to the task if she wanted to be successful in her reign as the Human Saint.


Maddie won't let the faithful service of her maids and friends be taken for granted, unlike before. She'd be the greatest saint the humans would ever have!

Still, Maddie felt that sharp pain in her heart every time she remembered her friend. Lily was like a sister to her, since her little sister was way much younger than her. She confided her secrets to her: her frustrations, her dreams, and even her inner feelings. She was more than a supporter and a fan...

Lily knew everything about her, and she knew everything about Lily.

And yet...

"I accomplished nothing good in my life, anyway."

Those words kept on haunting Maddie again and again. Lily rarely talked about herself, focusing instead on giving her best to enable Maddie—as the Saint—to be as successful as possible. But she didn't even consider those things that she did as 'good'; she only treated it as something that she should do because of her love for her friend.

"My poor Lily..." tears fell from her eyes, as Maddie realized she had once again acted foolishly. She was well-aware of Lily's feelings towards Kuro, and she went forward and 'snatched' him from her.


However, Maddie had also grown to love that 'otherworld boy'. Just like Lily, he had been her support, and he would put his life on the line for her.

His efforts to cheer her up when she tried killing herself...

His patience and will to keep up with her selfish whims...

His advice to her whenever she needs wisdom...

And that moment when he lifted his fist to defend her honor from the Imperial Prince...

Wasn't it that's what her mother always told her? That the person who loved her truly would give his all to her. And it's not like she fell in love with him at the first sight. He may be physically unremarkable as a man, but Kuro proved time and time again that he deserved her feelings. Kuro slowly inched his way into her heart that she realized she couldn't live without him by her side anymore!

The conflict in her mind gradually grew stronger as Maddie pondered on her next step. A significant part of her wanted Lily back, and yet, she didn't like the idea of letting go of Kuro, either. But Maddie knew that if she tried to keep both of them, she's bound to lose them both...




Her thought process was suddenly interrupted when she heard three knocks on the door. Then, from the other side, Ruro spoke.

The Human Saint is Bored, so I was Summoned to Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now